Handicaped Welfare Department

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Name of Department Head of Department Designation Email Id
Handicaped Welfare Department Mr. Subhash Jadhav DMC  

Scheme under Handicap welfare department

1.2000/-Rs. Giving incentive grants to the persons with disabilities above 60 years of age.

2.Providing 50,000/-rs. under Aadhar scheme for occupation of self-employed persons with disabilities.

3.Providing gharghanti, shevaya machines, sewing machines, Xerox machines, as well as computers to the woman for small business.

4. Providing rs.2000 / – per month (Rs. 24000 / – per annum) to the family member for the care of disabled and mentally retarded persons above 18 years of age.

5. Providing rs 2000/- per month to persona Blind with 80% to 100% disability Osteoporosis, multiple disability, deaf-mute deafness.

6. Providing rs 1500/- per month to persona Blind with 60% to 79% disability Osteoporosis, multiple disability, deaf-mute deafness.

7. Providing rs 1000/- per month to persona Blind with 40% to 59% disability Osteoporosis, multiple disability, deaf-mute deafness.

8. Providing incentive grants of 10,000/- District Level, 25000/- State Level, 50,000/- International 1,00,000/- for the disabled player.

9.Physiotherapy materials and equipment making available in the park for persons with disabilities.

10. Provide 25% of the cost of surgery according to the disease to the persona with disabilities.

11. Providing grant to the institute who providing training to the handicap people.

Information of disabled beneficiaries

Sr No Schemes Name beneficiaries count year 2020-21
1 2000/-Rs. Giving incentive grants to the persons with disabilities above 60 years of age. 236
2 Providing rs.2000 / – per month (Rs. 24000 / – per annum) to the family member for the care of disabled and mentally retarded persons above 18 years of age. 570
3 Providing rs 2000/- per month to persona Blind with 80% to 100% disability Osteoporosis, multiple disability, deaf-mute deafness. 531
4 Providing rs 2000/- per month to persona Blind with 80% to 100% disability Osteoporosis, multiple disability, deaf-mute deafness. 324
5 Providing rs 1000/- per month to persona Blind with 40% to 59% disability Osteoporosis, multiple disability, deaf-mute deafness. 463
6 Providing 50,000/-rs. under Aadhar scheme for occupation of self-employed persons with disabilities. 4


Providing rs 2000/- per month to persona Blind with 80% to 100% disability Osteoporosis, multiple disability, deaf-mute deafness. Download
Providing rs.2000 / – per month (Rs. 24000 / – per annum) to the family member for the care of disabled and mentally retarded persons above 18 years of age. Download
2000/-Rs. Giving incentive grants to the persons with disabilities above 60 years of age.2000/-Rs. Giving incentive grants to the persons with disabilities above 60 years of age. Download
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