Special Planning Authority
Brief information about the department: –
Controlling and taking corrective action as required on 21 unauthorized constructions within the limits of the Municipal Corporation but not included in the Municipal Corporation, and registering a crime under the MRTP Act.
- Providing written responses to citizens’ complaints of unauthorized construction and issuing paper notices regarding submission of documents for unauthorized constructions.
- Verifying the documents and inquiring from the Hon’ble Deputy Director, Town Planning Department whether permission has been taken for unauthorized constructions or not.
- Controlling unauthorized construction by taking decisive action against unauthorized constructions, taking action against developers and landowners carrying out unauthorized constructions and filing a case under the M.R.T.P. Act.
- Responding to Right to Information queries.
Name | Designation | Email Id | Contact No |
Mr.Deepak Sawant | Deputy Municipal Commissioner | specialplanningauthority.vvcmc@gmail.com | 9867251414 |
Mr. Sangita Ghadigaokar | Assistant Municipal Commissioner | specialplanningauthority.vvcmc@gmail.com | 8888864293 |
Mr.Himanshu Raut | Junior Engineer | specialplanningauthority.vvcmc@gmail.com | 7776063555 |
Mr.Hemant Meher | Clerk | specialplanningauthority.vvcmc@gmail.com | 7875297010 |