वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिकेच्या मालकीच्या वाहने निर्लेखित करणेकामी दरपत्रक. 19/12/202426/12/2024वाहन विभाग DOWNLOAD
जाहिर फेर निविदा सूचना वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिका , प्रभाग समिती - अ बोळींज विभागातील खालील नमूद केलेल्या तलावात ३ वर्षाकरिता मासे सोडून (मत्स्यसंवर्धन) विक्री करणे कमी दरपत्रक.04/12/202412/12/2024प्रभाग समिती - अ DOWNLOAD
वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिकेचे आपला दवाखाना व आरोग्यवर्धिनी केंद्राचे विद्युत सुरक्षा परिक्षण (Electric Safety Audit ) करणेकामी दरपत्रक . 27/11/202406/12/2024विद्युत विभागDOWNLOAD
वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिकेच्या गोखिवरे येथील क्षेपणभूमी वरील कचऱ्यापासून निर्माण होणाऱ्या दुगंधीवर नियंत्रण मिळणेकामी विक्री करणारे विक्रते , यांच्यासाठी दरपत्रककंपोस्ट कल्चर द्रावण14/10/202422/10/2024आरोग्य विभागDOWNLOAD
तृतीय फेर जाहीर दरपत्रक वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिका , प्रभाग समिती -जी विभागातील खालील नमूद केलेल्या तलावात ३ वर्षाकरिता मासे सोडून (मत्स्यसंवर्धन) विक्री करणे कमी दरपत्रक.14/10/202421/10/2024प्रभाग समिती -जीDOWNLOAD
वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिका कार्यक्षेत्रात स्वच्छ भारत अभियाना अंतर्गत स्वच्छ सर्वेक्षण २०२४ ODF ++ सर्टिफिकेशन साठी महानगरपालिका क्षेत्रातील शौचालयासाठी टॉयलेट फीडबॅक मशिन खरेदी करणेकरीता दरपत्रक.11/10/202417/10/2024घनकचरा व्यवस्थापन विभागDOWNLOAD
फेर जाहीर दरपत्रक वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिकेच्या प्रभाग समिती (ई) नालासोपारा कार्यक्षेत्रातील यादीतील नमूद तलाव दि ०१ ऑक्टोबर २०२४ ते ३१ मार्च २०२७ या कालावधीकरीत ठेका पद्धतीने मत्स्यसंवर्धनाकरीत देणेकामी दरपत्रक .09/10/202415/10/2024प्रभाग समिती ईDOWNLOAD
फेर जाहीर दरपत्रक वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिकेच्या प्रभाग समिती (ई) नालासोपारा कार्यक्षेत्रातील यादीतील नमूद तलाव दि ०१ ऑक्टोबर २०२४ ते ३१ मार्च २०२७ या कालावधीकरीत ठेका पद्धतीने मत्स्यसंवर्धनाकरीत देणेकामी दरपत्रक . 09/10/202415/10/2024प्रभाग समिती ईDOWNLOAD
वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिके अंतर्गत येणाऱ्या चिमाजी अप्पा क्रीडा मैदान येथे १ नग राईडऑन रोलर व १ नग ग्रास कटर मशिन खरेदी करणे व मशिनची ४ वर्षाकरिता देखभाल दुरुस्थी करणेबाबत दरपत्रक 04/10/202410/10/2024वाहन विभाग DOWNLOAD
द्वितीय फेर जाहीर दरपत्रक वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिका , प्रभाग समिती -जी विभागातील खालील नमूद केलेल्या तलावात ३ वर्षाकरिता मासे सोडून (मत्स्यसंवर्धन) विक्री करणे कमी दरपत्रक.01/10/202408/10/2024प्रभाग समिती -जीDOWNLOAD
वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिका,प्रभाग समिती बी कार्यक्षेत्रातील तुळींज रुग्णालय इमारतीमधील उद्वाहक क्र . १ व २ यांची पुढील १ (एक)वर्षाकरिता साहित्य सह देखभाल दुरुस्ती करणेबाबत दरपत्रक. 30/09/202409/10/2024विद्युत विभागDOWNLOAD
वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिका विद्युत विभागाकडील नमूद कामासाठी शासनाचे विद्युत विभागाकडली नोंदणीकृत ठेकेदाराकडून बी -१ नमुन्यात दोन लखोटा पद्धतीनुसार महानगरपालिकेच्या अटी व शर्तीस अधीन राहून मोहरबंद निविदा मागविण्यात येत आहे27/09/202407/10/2024विद्युत विभागDOWNLOAD
फेर जाहीर दरपत्रक सूचना वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिकेत एकल वापर प्लास्टिक बंदी अंतर्गत जप्त करण्यात आलेले प्लास्टिक recycling करीत recycler कडे देणेकरिता दरपत्रक27/9/202404/10/2024घनकचरा व्यवस्थापन विभागDOWNLOAD
वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिकेच्या प्रभाग समिती (ई) नालासोपारा कार्यक्षेत्रातील यादीतील नमूद तलाव दि ०१ ऑक्टोबर २०२४ ते ३१ मार्च २०२७ या कालावधीकरीत ठेका पद्धतीने मत्स्यसंवर्धनाकरीत देणेकामी दरपत्रक .25/09/202403/10/2024प्रभाग समिती ईDOWNLOAD
वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिकेच्या प्रभाग समिती (ई) नालासोपारा कार्यक्षेत्रातील यादीतील नमूद तलाव दि ०१ ऑक्टोबर २०२४ ते ३१ मार्च २०२७ या कालावधीकरीत ठेका पद्धतीने मत्स्यसंवर्धनाकरीत देणेकामी दरपत्रक . 25/09/202403/10/2024प्रभाग समिती ईDOWNLOAD
वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिका विद्युत विभागाकडील नमूद कामासाठी शासनाचे विद्युत विभागाकडली नोंदणीकृत ठेकेदाराकडून बी -१ नमुन्यात दोन लखोटा पद्धतीनुसार महानगरपालिकेच्या अटी व शर्तीस अधीन राहून मोहरबंद निविदा मागविण्यात येत आहे 24/09/202401/10/2024विद्युत विभागDOWNLOAD
प्रथम मुदतवाढ वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिका , प्रभाग समिती -जी विभागातील खालील नमूद केलेल्या तलावात ३ वर्षाकरिता मासे सोडून (मत्स्यसंवर्धन) विक्री करणे कमी दरपत्रक.23/09/202430/09/2024प्रभाग समिती -जीDOWNLOAD
दुर्गंधीनाशक पावडर (Deodorizing cum dusting powder) खरेदी करणे कमी दरपत्रक20/09/202426/09/2024आरोग्य विभागDOWNLOAD
सार्वजनिक वाचनालयासाठी सन २०२४-२५ या वित्तीय वर्षाकरिता पुस्तके बाइडिंग (दुरुस्ती ) करणेबाबत . 19/09/202425/09/2024वाचनालय विभागDOWNLOAD
द्वितीय मुदतवाढ वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिकेच्या अंतर्गत विविध योजनांच्या व सोयीसुविधाच्या माहितीचे व इतर महत्वाचे संदेश नागरिकांपर्यंत पोचविणेकमी WhatsApp Messengers व इतर Digital Communication च्या सुविधा घेणे कामी agency नियुक्त करणेस जाहीर दरपत्रक सूचना .19/09/202425/09/2024माहिती तंत्रज्ञानDOWNLOAD
प्रथम मुदतवाढ वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिकेच्या अंतर्गत विविध योजनांच्या व सोयीसुविधाच्या माहितीचे व इतर महत्वाचे संदेश नागरिकांपर्यंत पोचविणेकमी WhatsApp Messengers व इतर Digital Communication च्या सुविधा घेणे कामी agency नियुक्त करणेस जाहीर दरपत्रक सूचना . 09/09/202417/09/2024माहिती तंत्रज्ञानDOWNLOAD
वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिका , प्रभाग समिती -जी विभागातील खालील नमूद केलेल्या तलावात ३ वर्षाकरिता मासे सोडून (मत्स्यसंवर्धन) विक्री करणे कमी दरपत्रक.06/09/202418/09/2024प्रभाग समिती -जीDOWNLOAD
वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिकेस दारपत्रकात नमूद केलेले फायबर व लाकडी तराफे दुरुस्ती करणेकामी दरपत्रक. 02/09/202404/09/2024भांडार विभागDOWNLOAD
वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिकेस दारपत्रकात नमूद केलेले निर्माल्य कलश पुरवठा करणेकामी दरपत्रक. 02/09/202404/09/2024भांडार विभागDOWNLOAD
वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिकेस दारपत्रकात नमूद केलेले लाईफ जॅकेट पुरवठा करणेकामी दरपत्रक.02/09/202404/09/2024भांडार विभागDOWNLOAD
वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिकेस दारपत्रकात नमूद केलेले नायलॉन दोर पुरवठा करणेकामी दरपत्रक.02/09/202404/09/2024भांडार विभागDOWNLOAD
वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिकेस दारपत्रकात नमूद केलेले फायबर तराफे पुरवठा करणेकामी दरपत्रक. 02/09/202404/09/2024भांडार विभाग DOWNLOAD
वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिका अग्निशमन विभागातील वाहनांकरिता हाय प्रेशर गन खरेदी करणेकामी दरपत्रक. 29/08/202409/09/2024अग्निशमन विभागDOWNLOAD
महानगरपालिका कार्यक्षेत्रातील तलाव,उद्यान, स्मशानभूमी तसेच आदिवासी पाड्यांमध्ये पथदिवे (solar street light )बसविणेकरिता बाजार भावाचे दार मागविणे कमी दरपत्रक. 27/08/202403/09/2024विद्युत विभागDOWNLOAD
द्वितीय मुदतवाढ वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिका , प्रभाग समिती - अ बोळींज विभागातील खालील नमूद केलेल्या तलावात ३ वर्षाकरिता मासे सोडून (मत्स्यसंवर्धन) विक्री करणे कमी दरपत्रक. . 13/08/202423/08/2024प्रभाग समिती - अDOWNLOAD
वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिकेच्या अंतर्गत विविध योजनांच्या व सोयीसुविधाच्या माहितीचे व इतर महत्वाचे संदेश नागरिकांपर्यंत पोचविणेकमी WhatsApp Messengers व इतर Digital Communication च्या सुविधा घेणे कामी agency नियुक्त करणेस जाहीर दरपत्रक सूचना . 07/08/202413/08/2024माहिती तंत्रज्ञानDOWNLOAD
प्रथम मुदतवाढ वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिका , प्रभाग समिती - अ बोळींज विभागातील खालील नमूद केलेल्या तलावात ३ वर्षाकरिता मासे सोडून (मत्स्यसंवर्धन) विक्री करणे कमी दरपत्रक. . 01/08/202412/08/2024प्रभाग समिती - अDOWNLOAD
भटक्या व मोकाट श्वानांचे निर्बिजीकरण व रेबीज रोगाचे लसीकरण करणे ,जखमी श्वानांना पकडून उपचार करणेकरीत स्वारस्य अभिव्यक्ती (EOI-EXPRESSION OF INTEREST). 31/07/202407/08/2024 आरोग्य विभाग DOWNLOAD
वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिकेच्या प्रभाग समिती डी सार्वजनिक वाचनालयासाठी सन २०२४-२५ या वित्तीय वर्षाकरिता लागणारी दैनंदिन वर्तमानपत्रे , साप्ताहिके , मासिके , पाक्षिके , नियतकालिके , वार्षिक व दिवाळी अंक इत्यादी वाचन साहित्य मागविण्यासाठी दरपत्रक .25/07/202402/08/2024वाचनालय विभागDOWNLOAD
वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिकेच्या सार्वजनिक वाचनालय विरार , डॉ. के. ब . हेडगेवार सार्वजनिक वाचनालय नवघर या दोन वाचनालयात जमा असलेली जुनी वर्तमानपत्रे , साप्ताहिके , मासिके , पाक्षिके , नियतकालिके , वार्षिक व दिवाळी अंक इत्यादी जमा झालेली रद्दी विक्री करण्यासाठी दरपत्रक 24/07/202402/08/2024वाचनालय विभागDOWNLOAD
वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिका , प्रभाग समिती - अ बोळींज विभागातील खालील नमूद केलेल्या तलावात ३ वर्षाकरिता मासे सोडून (मत्स्यसंवर्धन) विक्री करणे कमी दरपत्रक. . 23/07/202431/07/2024प्रभाग समिती - अDOWNLOAD
प्रथम मुदतवाढ वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिकेच्या दुधदर्या अभ्यासिका , विरार ,सनसिटी अभ्यासिका ,नवघर व वसई गाव अभ्यासिके करीत तशी ५० लीटर व २५ लीटर क्षमतेचा आर . ओ टेकनॉलॉजि आधारित पिण्याच्या नवीन मशीन व कुलर बसवणे कमी दरपत्रक . 19/07/202425/07/2024वाचनालय विभागDOWNLOAD
वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिकेच्या प्रभाग समिती डी सार्वजनिक वाचनालयासाठी सन २०२४-२५ या वित्तीय वर्षाकरिता लागणारी दैनंदिन वर्तमानपत्रे , साप्ताहिके , मासिके , पाक्षिके , नियतकालिके , वार्षिक व दिवाळी अंक इत्यादी वाचन साहित्य मागविण्यासाठी दरपत्रक .12/07/202423/07/2024वाचनालय विभागDOWNLOAD
वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिकेच्या सार्वजनिक वाचनालय विरार , डॉ. के. ब . हेडगेवार सार्वजनिक वाचनालय नवघर ,सार्वजनिक वाचनालय नालासोपारा ,व कै . डॉ . धोंडो गोविंद अभ्यंकर स्मृती ग्रंथालय व वाचनालय वसई ,हि चार सार्वजनिक वाचनालय तसेच त्याच्याशी संलग्न अभ्यासिकांसाठी सन २०२४-२५ या वित्तीय वर्षाकरीत खालील नमूद कामासाठी महानगरपालिकेच्या संकेतस्थळावर दरपत्रक प्रसिद्ध करण्यात येत आहे .. 12/07/202423/07/2024वाचनालय विभागDOWNLOAD
वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिकेच्या प्रभाग समिती आय वसई गाव येथील येथील कै . डॉ . गोविंद अभ्यंकर स्मृती ग्रंथालय व वाचनालयाकरिता वाचनालयाकरिता सन २०२४-२५ या वित्तीय वर्षाकरिता लागणारी दैनंदिन वर्तमानपत्रे , साप्ताहिके , मासिके , पाक्षिके , नियतकालिके , वार्षिक व दिवाळी अंक इत्यादी वाचन साहित्य मागविण्यासाठी दरपत्रक. . 09/07/202419/07/2024वाचनालय विभागDOWNLOAD
वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिकेच्या सार्वजनिक वाचनालय , विरार व डॉ . के . ब. हेडगेवार सार्वजनिक वाचनालय नवघर या दोन सार्वजनिक वाचनालयासाठी सन २०२४-२५ या वित्तीय वर्षाकरिता लागणारी दैनंदिन वर्तमानपत्रे , साप्ताहिके , मासिके , पाक्षिके , नियतकालिके , वार्षिक व दिवाळी अंक इत्यादी वाचन साहित्य मागविण्यासाठी दरपत्रक . 05/07/202416/07/2024वाचनालय विभागDOWNLOAD
वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिकेच्या दुधदर्या अभ्यासिका , विरार ,सनसिटी अभ्यासिका ,नवघर व वसई गाव अभ्यासिके करीत तशी ५० लीटर व २५ लीटर क्षमतेचा आर . ओ टेकनॉलॉजि आधारित पिण्याच्या नवीन मशीन व कुलर बसवणे कमी दरपत्रक . 05/07/202416/07/2024वाचनालय विभागDOWNLOAD
वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिका प्रभाग समिती बी मधील तुळींज मुख्य रास्ता ते सेंट्रल पार्क येथे सार्वजनिक दिवाबत्ती व्यवस्था करणे तसेच प्रभाग समिती सी मधील साने गुरुजी बालोद्यान येथे नव्याने सार्वजनिक दिवाबत्ती व्यवस्था करणे. 13/3/202421/03/2024विद्युत विभागDOWNLOAD
वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिका विद्युत विभागाकरिता निविदा सूचनेमध्ये नमूद केलेल्या कामाकरिता शासनाचे विद्युत विभागाकडील नोंदणीकृत ठेकेदाराकडून बी-१ नमुन्यात दोन लखोटा पद्धतीनुसार महानगरपालिकेच्या अति शर्तीस अधिनराहून मोहरबंद निविदा मागविण्यात येत आहे 28/2/202407/03/2024विद्युत विभागDOWNLOAD
वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिकेत एकल वापर प्लास्टिक बंदी अंतर्गत जप्त करण्यात आलेले प्लास्टिक recycling करीत recycler कडे देणेकरिता दरपत्रक 16/2/202427/02/2024घनकचरा व्यवस्थापन विभागDOWNLOAD
सन २०२४-२५,२०२५-२६,२०२६-२७ या ३ वर्ष करीत वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिका मुख्य कार्यालयातील आतील बाजूच्या लिफ्टची व स्टॅबिलिझेरची साहित्यासहा देखभाल दुरुस्थी करणे . 16/2/202401/03/2024Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Disposal of Unusable Materials at Water Treatment Plant under Vasai Virar City Municipal Water Supply department05/02/202412/02/2024Water DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Specification chart for fire protective clothing24/01/202402/02/2024Fire DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for electric department of vasai virar city municipal corporation24/01/202402/02/2024Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for installation of solar water heater system in bolinj MCH center and
Jivdani Devi Hospital at vasai virar city municipal corporation..
15/01/202422/01/2024Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for appointment of agencies for making digital certificates of officer for online e-tendering in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation.19/12/202326/12/2023IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for buy-back of faulty and outdated electric pole sodium fittings, automatic timer system, air condition, of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation.11/12/202319/12/2023Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for installation of A.C. in library at ward H navghar in vasai virar city municipal corporation.29/11/202304/12/2023Library DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for installation of lights at ward D achole mahesh park.29/11/202306/12/2023Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for installation of electric wiring at ward G Bafane.10/11/202328/11/2023Ward GDOWNLOAD
Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation is keen to select a banking partner for Property and Water tax collection with online and offline banking solution.1/11/20237/11/2023IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for Purchase of Tires for Turn Tables Ladder Vehicle for fire department of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation.27/10/20238/11/2023Fire DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for scrap the vehicles owned by Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation.
19/10/202325/10/2023Transport DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for building Sewage Treatment Plant center at nalasopara achole in vasai virar city municipal corporation(DETAIL INFORMATION) KINDLY REF.QUOTATION NO 3
Quotation notice for providing kren and floor clip for ganesh ustav festival at vasai virar city municipal corporation.
13/09/202315/09/2023Transport DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for building Sewage Treatment Plant center at nalasopara achole in vasai virar city municipal corporation
08/09/202318/09/2023Sewage DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for providing bleching powder(T.C.L.) to vasai virar city municipal corporation.
07/09/202315/09/2023Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for providing nylon rope for ganpati visarjan in vasai virar city municipal corporation.
05/09/202313/09/2023Store DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for carry out maintenance and repair of maturity
in Hindu cemetery at Virat Nagar for 3 years from 2023-24 to 2025-26 at vasai virar city municipal corporation.
05/09/202314/09/2023Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for providing Nirmaly kalash for ganpati visarjan in vasai virar city municipal corporation.
04/09/202312/09/2023store DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for providing fiber and wooden tarafe for ganpati visarjan in vasai virar city municipal corporation.
04/09/202312/09/2023store DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for providing fiber tarafe for ganpati visarjan in vasai virar city municipal corporation.
04/09/202312/09/2023store DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for providing life jacket for ganpati visarjan in vasai virar city municipal corporation.
04/09/202312/09/2023store DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for installation of new sound system at Virar (East)
Totale Lake in Chandansar Area of vasai virar city municipal corporation.
22/08/202329/08/2023Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for providing Deodorizing cum dusting powder at vasai virar city municipal corporation17/08/202325/08/2023Sanitation DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for supply of Aluminum double extension trussed type 10.5mtr fire ladder CE certificate and simple 'C' section Aluminum double extension ladder 10.5mtr complied to IS 4571 standard at vasai virar city municipal corporation.11/08/202323/08/2023Fire DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Replacing the faulty air-conditioning system in the Mahasabha hall and relocating it to the air-conditioning system at the Industrial Corona Center at vasai virar city municipal corporation.02/08/202318/08/2023Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for conducting Electric Safety Audit at corporation hospitals,MCH center,UHPC,Arogyavardhini Center,Headoffice and ward office etc.28/07/202314/08/2023Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation, Ward Committee (C) Installation of new sound system at Virar (East) Totale Lake in Chandansar Area.26/07/202310/08/2023Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Public lighting arrangement on the main road from Vidyavardhini College to Rajawali
Khadi Bridge in Ward No. 92 of Ward Committee D Achole of vasai virar city municipal corporation.
25/07/202309/08/2023Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for arranging alternative lighting and removing poles obstructing culvert construction at Evershine Signal and Navghar East Flyover in vasai virar city municipal corporation ward D19/07/202327/07/2023Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for providing high land umbrella 2 fold 25*8 inch cloth 210 to Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation.06/07/202313/07/2023Store DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for providing uniform for 4th category employee of vasai virar city municipal corporation.03/07/202311/07/2023Store DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for beautification of area in ward D of vasai virar city municipal corporation.23/06/202330/06/2023Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for Delivery rubber hose pipe for fire department of vasai virar city municipal corporation.6/06/202315/06/2023Fire DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for installation of solar street light at Lake,garden,Crematorium, Adivasi area in vasai virar city municipal corporation.30/05/202306/06/2023Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for pest control in library at virar and vasai of vasai virar city municipal corporation.29/05/202307/06/2023Library DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for financial year 2022-23 of vasai virar city municipal corporation for Annual Record of Revenue collection of estimated 2. 5 lakh records to be audited.
25/05/202331/05/2023Account DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice of library department
24/05/202305/06/2023Library DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for providing Mechanical foam(AFFF) for fie fighting to fire department VVCMC
24/05/202301/06/2023Fire DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for Maintenance of lift with mentioned equipment at Sir D.M.Petit hospital Ward I VVCMC.18/05/202324/05/2023PWD department,Ward IDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for auction ( रद्दी विक्री करणे) of Old Newspapers, magazines Diwali magazines etc. deposited in Dr. K.B.Hedgewar library and public library Virar in VVCMC area 12/05/202323/05/2023Library departmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for providing continental radial Tyre for turntable ladder vehicle of fire department VVCMC 26/04/202308/05/2023Fire departmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for Maintenance and repairing of Stainless Steel Cold Casket (स्टेनलेस स्टील शीत शवपेटी) at health center Ward H VVCMC25/04/202302/05/2023Electric departmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for Maintenance of lift in Sir.D.M.Petit hospital at Ward I under VVCMC 27/03/202310/04/2023PWD departmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for Providing reading material Newspapers, weekly, annual and Diwali Magazine etc. for the public library under Ward D VVCMC.21/03/202328/03/2023Library Department, Ward DDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for Providing reading material Newspapers, weekly, annual and Diwali Magazine etc. for the public library under Ward I VVCMC.21/03/202328/03/2023Library Department, Ward IDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for Providing reading material Newspapers, weekly, annual and Diwali Magazine etc. for the public library under Ward C VVCMC.21/03/202328/03/2023Library Department, Ward CDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for Providing reading material Newspapers, weekly, annual and Diwali Magazine etc. for the public library under Ward H VVCMC.21/03/202327/03/2023Library Department, Ward HDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for fish farming for two years at various mentioned lakes in Ward I as per notice
13/03/202320/03/2023Ward IDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for conducting Menstruation workshop and distribution of sanitary napkins to Teenage girls, women's in VVCMC area
03/03/202310/03/2023Women and child welfare DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for appointing Chartered Accountant for Annual
Audit in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation
02/03/202310/03/2023Audit DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for works under ward H Transport Department VVCMC20/02/202327/02/2023Transport DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for repairing of centrifugal pump in fire department VVCMC14/02/202322/02/2023Fire DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for fish farming in lakes under Ward I Vasai under VVCMC13/02/202322/02/2023Ward IDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for printing A4 Size book and card as mentioned in notice under stores department of VVCMC 07/02/202315/02/2023Stores DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for appointing Chartered Accountant for Annual
Audit in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation
03/02/202313/02/2023Audit DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice to erect public charging station (PCS) for electric vehicles in VVCMC area.07/02/202315/02/2023Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for developing and construction and demolition waste collection, processing and disposal facility01/02/202307/02/2023SWM DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for Biogas/CNG01/02/202307/02/2023SWM DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for appointing Chartered Accountant for Annual
Audit in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation
04/01/202312/01/2023Audit DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for providing 240 litre HDPE Bins to Sanitation department ward H VVCMC19/12/202223/12/2022SWM DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for providing furniture to VVCMC19/12/202226/12/2022Stores DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for providing sewer inspection camera apparatus, Blower with Air compressor, and gas masks for sewer cleaning 19/12/202226/12/2022SWM DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for providing safety tripod set and Nylon rope ladders for sewer line cleaning to SWM Department VVCMC15/12/202222/12/2022SWM DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for providing 240 litre HDPE Bins to Sanitation department ward E VVCMC13/12/202220/12/2022Sanitation DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for providing vehicle for marathon 2022 related work to transport department VVCMC 02/12/202205/12/2022Transport DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for Provision of public lighting in Ward A bolinj from Narangi bypass road to HDIL PARK G-wing VVCMC area 01/12/202207/12/2022ELECTRIC DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Jahir Suchana 18 Nov 202219/11/202221/11/2022STP DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for Underground Sewerage System For Zone-3 of Nallasopara (E) Area In VVCMC 17/11/202221/11/2022STP DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for providing towing van to tow vehicles on date 10/12/2022 and 11/12/2022 for VVCMC Marathon 17/11/202224/11/2022Transport DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for mentioned electrical works in Ward F ,Ward G for electrical department VVCMC (Notice no.6)07/11/202218/11/2022Head officeDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for mentioned electrical works in Ward A,Ward C, Ward F for electrical department VVCMC (Notice no.7)07/11/202218/11/2022Head officeDOWNLOAD
Quotation for fishing from 2022 to 2024 on contract basis in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation,Ward Committee I.28/10/202209/11/2022Ward IDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Furniture to vasai virar city municipal corporation21/10/202202/11/2022Store DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice No 1(2022-2023) ward G electric department06/10/202214/10/2022Ward GDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for providing Caution Tape other related equipment to Sports Department VVCMC 04/10/202210/10/2022Sports departmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for providing collar T-Shirt for men, Women with Event logo to Sports Department VVCMC 04/10/202210/10/2022Sports departmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for providing Pacers flag, flag off flags and other related equipment to Sports Department VVCMC 04/10/202210/10/2022Sports departmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing R.O. for library of navghar vasai west 30/09/20227/10/2022Library departmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing R.O. for library of navghar vasai west 30/09/20227/10/2022Library departmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for security guard,bouncer(Male),walkie talkie,door frame metal detector,hand metal detector,baggage scanner for sport department of vasai virar city municipal corporation.30/09/20227/10/2022Sport departmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing metal rack for LBT dept27/09/20226/10/2022LBT departmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing metal rack for LBT dept19/09/202227/09/2022LBT departmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice No 1(2022-2023) ward A electric department14/09/202221/09/2022Ward ADOWNLOAD
Quotation for preparation of jingal,marathon theem songs,promo videos,video adds for vasai virar municipal corporation.08/09/202216/09/2022Sport DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Event Management and other related works of 10th National Level Marathon organized by Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation.06/09/202212/09/2022Sport DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Art work of national level marathon organized by Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation and other related works.06/09/202212/09/2022Sport DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation organizes national level marathon, looking for sponsorship, marketing and PR of the marathon competition and other related works.06/09/202212/09/2022Sport DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing life jacket and nylon rope for ganesh visarjan in vasai virar city municipal corporation.26/08/202202/09/2022Store DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing Nirmalya Kalash for ganesh visarjan in vasai virar city municipal corporation.26/08/202202/09/2022Store DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing wooden and fiber Rafts for ganesh visarjan in vasai virar city municipal corporation.26/08/202202/09/2022Store DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing wooden Rafts for ganesh visarjan in vasai virar city municipal corporation.26/08/202202/09/2022Store DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Notice No 3(2022-2023) ward C electric department.26/08/202213/09/2022Ward CDOWNLOAD
Quotation for oil base coloring to the tree guard for vasai virar city municipal corporation.25/08/202203/09/2022Environment DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing sandal, gamboot for worker of vasai virar city municipal corporation.25/08/202206/09/2022SWM DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing Gas Monitor for vasai virar city municipal corporation 24/08/202206/09/2022SWM DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing Sewer inspection camera apparatus,Safety tripod set,Nylon rope ladders,Blower with air compressor and gas masks
for vasai virar city municipal corporation.
24/08/202206/09/2022SWM DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing Breathing Apparatus and Airline Breathing Apparatus for vasai virar city municipal corporation.24/08/202206/09/2022 SWM DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing DustBin of 240ltr HDPE for vasai virar city municipal corporation.24/08/202226/08/2022SWM DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing cren for ganpati visarjan in vasai virar city muncipal corporation.23/08/202229/08/2022TransportDepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing vehicle on rent for ganpati visarjan in vasai virar city muncipal corporation.23/08/202229/08/2022TransportDepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing vehicle on rent for ganpati visarjan in vasai virar city muncipal corporation.23/08/202229/08/2022TransportDepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing Refrigerators for vasai virar city municipal corporation.23/08/202230/08/2022Store DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing environmental plants, wasps/Iron stand for vasai virar city municipal corporation.23/08/202201/09/2022Environment DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for repairing of centrifugal pump of fire department of vasai virar city municipal corporation.10/08/202224/08/2022Fire DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for repairing of electric control pannal of fire department of vasai virar city municipal corporation.10/08/202224/08/2022Fire DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing rop for fire dept of vasai virar city municipal corporation.
10/08/202224/08/2022Fire DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Preparing audio and video jingle for Ganesh Ustav and Har Ghar Tiranga programm of vasai virar city municipal corporation.04/08/202210/08/2022IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Notice No 3(2022-2023) ward A electric department04/08/202219/08/2022Ward ADOWNLOAD
Requotation for providing Deodorizing cum dusting powder for vasai virar city municipal corporation04/08/202218/08/2022Solid Waste Management DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Notice No 2(2022-2023) ward A electric department04/08/202219/08/2022Ward ADOWNLOAD
Requotation for providing HDPE Dust bin of capacity 240 litre for vasai virar city municipal corporation04/08/202219/08/2022Solid Waste Management Department DOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing 36 wat CFL bulb in sub wards of ward A in vasai virar city municipal corporation.29/07/202208/08/2022Ward ADOWNLOAD
Quotation for installation of inverter and battery at property tax department chandansar ward office (gramin) of vasai virar city municipal corporation.27/07/202204/08/2022Ward C DOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Material of sewerage treatment plant for vasai virar city municipal corporation.26/07/202201/08/2022Water Department DOWNLOAD
Recall Tender Notice No 2(2022-23) electric dept Head Office21/07/202227/07/2022Electric Department DOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing HDPE Dust bin of capacity 240 litre for vasai virar city municipal corporation.18/07/202228/07/2022Solid Waste Management Department DOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing compost culture powder for vasai virar city municipal corporation.15/07/202225/07/2022Solid Waste Management Department DOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing deodorizing cum dusting powder for vasai virar city municipal corporation.15/07/202225/07/2022Solid Waste Management Department DOWNLOAD
Recall Tender Notice No 2(2022-23) electric dept Head Office07/07/202215/07/2022Electric Department DOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing medicine for MCH center, hospital of vasai virar city municipal corporation.04/07/202213/07/2022Medical Health Department DOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing Helmet and policarbonate for vasai virar city municipal corporation.01/07/202208/07/2022Store Department DOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing tata 1613 towing van on lease for vasai virar city municipal corporation.01/07/202208/07/2022Transport Department DOWNLOAD
Quotation for pest controlling in Library of vasai virar city municipal corporation.24/06/202204/07/2022Library Department DOWNLOAD
Quotation for buying Duckback Gumboot and Hand Gloves for vasai virar city municipal corporation.24/06/202201/07/2022Fire Department DOWNLOAD
Tender Notice No 2(2022-23) electric dept Head Office24/06/202204/07/2022Electric Department DOWNLOAD
Re-Quotation for Repairing of Weighbridge on dumping ground of vasai virar city of municipal corporation23/06/202229/06/2022Health Department DOWNLOAD
Quotation for buying Duckback Raincoat for vasai virar city municipal corporation.23/06/202230/06/2022Fire Dept DOWNLOAD
Re-Quotation for providing plants for vasai virar city municipal corporation.23/06/202230/06/2022Environment Dept DOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing foldable compost bag to vasai virar city municipal corporation.17/06/202228/06/2022Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for getting rates of installing lighting arester
in municipal corporation building and hospital.
16/06/202223/06/2022Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Development and implementation of QR Based e office (file tracking system with following feature)13/06/202220/06/2022IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation is keen to start Property and Water
tax collection with online and offline banking solution.
13/06/202223/06/2022IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice No 2(2022-23) Ward C electric dept10/06/202227/06/2022Ward CDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice No 1(2022-23) Ward C electric dept10/06/202227/06/2022Ward CDOWNLOAD
Quotation for buying High Pressure Gun-FOG/JET for fire department of vasai virar city municipal corporation.09/06/202217/06/2022Fire DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Repairing of Weighbridge on dumping ground of vasai virar city of municipal corporation09/06/202217/06/2022Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing auto riksha for use of pulse polio programme in vasai virar corporation area.08/06/202214/06/2022Transport DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing tree for tree plantation in vasai virar city municipal corporation area.06/06/202213/06/2022Environment DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Re-quotation for fishing from 26/06/2022 to 06/06/2024 on contract basis in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation,Ward Committee E.
26/05/202206/06/2022Ward EDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing water bottle bisleri water bottle to vasai virar city municipal corporation.
26/05/202203/06/2022Store departmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing helmet and polycarbonate for vasai virar city municipal corporation.
24/05/202201/06/2022Store departmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing stationary to vasai virar city municipal corporation.
23/05/202231/05/2022Store departmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing fasted box to Z.P schools students.
20/05/202226/05/2022Women welfare departmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for installation of inverter battery at waliv office ward G.20/05/202230/05/2022Ward GDOWNLOAD
Quotation for installing of high mast and cabling work at sativali office ward G.20/05/202230/05/2022Ward GDOWNLOAD
Quotation for selling paper trash (English,Hindi, Marathi Waste-newspaper)of
library in vasai virar city municipal corporation area.
20/05/202227/05/2022Library DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice No 1(2022-2023) ward
B electric department
20/05/202230/05/2022Ward BDOWNLOAD
Maintenance and repair of signal system at Bahadoli in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation under Electricity Department, Headoffice17/05/202231/05/2022Electric DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for fishing from 01/06/2022 to 31/05/2024 on contract basis in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation,Ward Committee E.17/05/202224/05/2022Ward EDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing drinking water in vasai virar city municipal corporation.13/05/202224/05/2022Store DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Project for rejuvernatation of water bodies12/05/202218/05/2022Water deptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Sewerage Center and Underground Sewer in vasai virar city municipal corporation.12/05/202218/05/2022Water deptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for fishing from 01/06/2022 to 31/05/2024 on contract basis in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation,Ward Committee E.05/05/202213/05/2022Ward EDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice No 1(2022-2023) ward A electric department05/05/202218/05/2022Ward ADOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing water bottle bisleri,disposal glass,veg nashta,veg meal,veg biryani etc for sport department of vasai virar city municipal corporation.05/05/202211/05/2022Sport DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for video and photography for sport department of vasai virar city municipal corporation.05/05/202211/05/2022Sport DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing trophy, tishirts and caps for sport department of vasai virar city municipal corporation.05/05/202211/05/2022Sport DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for electrification work at ward F in vasai virar city municipal corporation04/05/202219/05/2022Ward FDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice No 1(2022-2023) ward E electric department29/04/202217/05/2022Ward EDOWNLOAD
Quotation for changing the control pannale in ward D office of vvcmc,repairing electricity poll from sector 6 to vidyavikasini school,
replacing of LED light near to Nagela talav and other related work as mention in quotation form.
27/04/202206/05/2022Ward DDOWNLOAD
Second quotation for listed item in below sheet for vasai virar city municipal corporation05/04/202213/04/2022Environment DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Second quotation for listed item in below sheet for vasai virar city municipal corporation05/04/202213/04/2022Environment DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for calculating dimension of hording , kiosk , add poll , cantilever place on shops and hording on other related places in vasai virar city municipal corporation.24/03/202206/04/2022Advertisement DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for rewinding unrepairable fan and replacing unrepairable LED tubelight in shree jivdani devi hospital under ward c of vasai virar city municipal corporation.23/03/202231/03/2022Ward CDOWNLOAD
Quotation for installation of LED panel light in head office of
vasai virar city municipal corporation.
22/03/202228/03/2022Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing window AC and stabilizer for Townplanning department of
vasai virar city municipal corporation.
22/03/202228/03/2022Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing electric items for head office building of vasai virar city municipal corporation.22/03/202228/03/2022Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing high pressure gun for fire department of vasai virar city municipal corporation.21/03/202230/03/2022Fire DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for book of stories, novels, articles, characters and other books in Marathi, Hindi, English, Gujarati language required for the public library of Vasai Virar Municipal Corporation.16/03/202225/03/2022Library DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice No 1(2022-2023) ward
C electric department
15/02/202223/02/2022Ward CDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing auto riksha for Pulse Polio program in vasai virar city municipal corporation.15/02/202223/02/2022Transport DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for rewainding of unrepairable fan and replacing unrepairable tubelight in main office building,library building,papdkhind dam office in ward c of vasai virar city municipal corporation.03/02/202211/02/2022Ward CDOWNLOAD
Quotation for installation of AC in transport department of vasai virar city municipal corporation.03/02/202211/02/2022Ward CDOWNLOAD
Quotation for painting wall for purpose of celebrating AAJADI KA MOHOSTAV in area of vasai virar city municipal corporation.24/01/202202/02/2022Ward CDOWNLOAD
Quotation for replacing 18 wat LED tubelight with new tubelight for ward c of vasai virar city municipal corporation.19/01/202228/01/2022Ward CDOWNLOAD
Quotation for mention work in attachement for vasai virar city municipal corporation.17/01/202219/01/2022Medical Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Selling not working spare parts of repair vehicles which is owned by Vasai Virar Municipal Corporation2021-12-28 00:00:002022-01-04 00:00:00Transport DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Invitation for Expression of Interest for Implementation of Smart Poles on PPP Model in Vasai-Virar City2021-12-24 00:00:002022-01-10 00:00:00IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for supply & Installation of Voltage stabilizers at VCMC’s hospitals and Oxygen plants.2021-12-23 00:00:002021-12-31 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for supply of materials for electrification of toilets constructed under the “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan”.2021-11-09 00:00:002021-11-17 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
2nd Expression of Intrest2021-11-23 00:00:002021-11-30 00:00:00Tree authority DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Expression of Intrest2021-11-01 00:00:002021-11-12 00:00:00Tree authority DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender notice for veriour work of Public Works Department (Electricity) department of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation.2021-10-18 00:00:002021-10-03 00:00:00Ward ADOWNLOAD
Quotation for Setup electronic Equipment in Electrical Department (Headquarters) of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2021-10-11 00:00:002021-10-21 00:00:00General AdministrationDOWNLOAD
Quotation to install and operate new air-conditioning system in the pharmacy department of Matabal Sangopan Kendra at Sarvodaya Vasahat and install and operate new air-conditioning system in the laboratory department of Matabal Sangopan Kendra at Sarvodaya Vasahat in Vasai Virar Municipal Corporation Ward Committee B.2021-10-11 00:00:002021-10-18 00:00:00Ward BDOWNLOAD
Sixth Re-Quotation notice for fishing from year 2021 to year 2024 on contract basis in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation,Ward Committee G.2021-10-04 00:00:002021-10-11 00:00:00Ward GDOWNLOAD
Quotation for arrangement of inverter in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation Ward A,Virar (W) Umrale – Karmale Divisional office.2021-09-21 00:00:002021-09-30 00:00:00Ward ADOWNLOAD
Quotation for doing electric work on the second floor of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation Ward Committee A Bolinge Divisional Office.2021-09-21 00:00:002021-09-30 00:00:00Ward ADOWNLOAD
Quotation for doing electric work on the Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation Ward Committee A, Watar Divisional Office.2021-09-21 00:00:002021-09-30 00:00:00Ward ADOWNLOAD
Quotation for arrangement of inverter in the Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation Ward Committee A, Watar Divisional Office2021-09-21 00:00:002021-09-30 00:00:00Ward ADOWNLOAD
Quotation for Point Wiring for Air Conditioning System in Executive Engineer’s cabine in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation Ward Committee C Chhandansar.2021-09-21 00:00:002021-09-30 00:00:00Ward CDOWNLOAD
Fifth Re-Quotation notice for fishing from year 2021 to year 2024 on contract basis in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation,Ward Committee G.2021-09-20 00:00:002021-09-27 00:00:00Ward GDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchase of personal protective equipment for the safety of cleaners cleaning sewage and sewer lines in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation.2021-09-17 00:00:002021-09-27 00:00:00Santation DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for electrical works under Ward Committee D in Vasai Virar City Corporation.2021-09-09 00:00:002021-09-22 00:00:00Ward DDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing transformer of capacity 1000 K.V.A. in the sewage treatment plant.2021-09-08 00:00:002021-09-17 00:00:00Ward ADOWNLOAD
Fourth Re-Quotation notice for fishing from year 2021 to year 2024 on contract basis in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation,Ward Committee G.2021-09-06 00:00:002021-09-13 00:00:00Ward GDOWNLOAD
Third Re-Quotation notice for fishing from year 2021 to year 2024 on contract basis in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation, Ward Committee G.2021-08-27 00:00:002021-09-01 00:00:00Ward GDOWNLOAD
Second Re-Quotation notice for fishing from year 2021 to year 2023 on contract basis in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation, Ward Committee I Vasai.2021-08-26 00:00:002021-09-02 00:00:00Ward IDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Nirmalya Kalash, Nylon Dora and Life Jacket etc for Ganpati visarjan 2021 in vasai Virar City Corporation.2021-08-25 00:00:002021-09-02 00:00:00Store DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing wooden rafts for Ganpati visarjan 2021 in vasai Virar City Corporation.2021-08-25 00:00:002021-09-02 00:00:00Store DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for repairing Fiber Raft for Ganpati visarjan 2021 in vasai Virar City Corporation.2021-08-25 00:00:002021-09-02 00:00:00Store DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Second re-quotation for fishing in mention lake in ward G of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation.2021-08-18 00:00:002021-08-24 00:00:00Ward GDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Portable pumps are to be repaired as mentioned in the details in the list for fire department of Vasai Virar Municipal Corporation.2021-08-17 00:00:002021-08-27 00:00:00Fire DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for supply of mentioned in the following details fridge, washing machine, blanket, pillow Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation Under National Urban Livelihood Campaign.2021-08-13 00:00:002021-08-25 00:00:00Store DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Fifth Re-Quotation notice of Koshimbe and sukala Lake for fishing under Ward C Chandansar in VVCMC on contract basis2021-08-13 00:00:002021-08-25 00:00:00Ward CDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Repair of flow meter and level indicator in Vasai Virar Municipal Corporation bolinj ward office.2021-08-12 00:00:002021-08-23 00:00:00Water DepartmentDOWNLOAD
first Re-Quotation for conservation of fish in mentioned lake for the year 2021 to 2023 on a contract basis in vasai virar city municipal corporation waliv ward office.2021-08-11 00:00:002021-08-17 00:00:00Ward GDOWNLOAD
Re-Quotation for conservation of fish in mentioned lake for the year 2021 to 2023 on a contract basis in vasai virar city municipal corporation ward I office.2021-08-11 00:00:002021-08-17 00:00:00Ward IDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchase of foam as mentioned in the details for the fire department of Vasai Virar City Corporation.2021-08-11 00:00:002021-08-17 00:00:00Fire DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for fish conservation in mentioned following list for the 3 years from 2021 to 2024 on a contract basis in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation Ward Committee G.2021-08-03 00:00:002021-08-10 00:00:00Ward GDOWNLOAD
Recall Quotation notice for recovery of market tax of Vadavali Market vasai (w).2021-06-18 00:00:002021-06-24 00:00:00Ward IDOWNLOAD
Recall Quotation notice for recovery of market tax of Umela Market vasai (w).2021-06-18 00:00:002021-06-24 00:00:00Ward IDOWNLOAD
Quotation for 9 pis of Bolero Pickup BS-VI PS 17T Body Construction Procured by Vasai Virar Municipal Corporation for Office Work of Diwabatti Dept2021-06-17 00:00:002021-06-25 00:00:00transport DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for personal protective equipment has to be procured for the safety of the cleaners cleaning the sewage and sewer lines In Vasai Virar Municipal Corporation area2021-06-17 00:00:002021-06-25 00:00:00Sanitation DeptDOWNLOAD
2nd Requotation for plantation of tree from suncity police station to tuljabhavani garden and maintain it for 3 year.2021-06-16 00:00:002021-06-18 00:00:00Enviornment DeptDOWNLOAD
Requotation for listed item in below sheet for vasai virar city municipal corporation2021-06-16 00:00:002021-06-21 00:00:00Enviornment DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchase of raincoats before monsoon for permanent category employees of Vasai Virar City Corporation2021-06-15 00:00:002021-06-23 00:00:00Sanitation DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for cutting dangerous tree in vasai virar corporation area.2021-06-09 00:00:002021-06-15 00:00:00Enviornment DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for listed item in below sheet for vasai virar city municipal corporation2021-06-08 00:00:002021-06-15 00:00:00Enviornment DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for plantation of tree from suncity police station to tuljabhavani garden and maintain it for 3 year.2021-06-04 00:00:002021-06-11 00:00:00Enviornment DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for plantation of tree from suncity police station to tuljabhavani garden and maintain it for 3 year.2021-05-29 00:00:002021-06-03 00:00:00Enviornment DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for operation of point wiring as well as supply of fan and tube light in Covid-19 vaccination center in vasai virar city municipal corporation Ward C.2021-05-14 00:00:002021-05-24 00:00:00Ward CDOWNLOAD
Quotation for operation of point wiring as well as supply of fan and tube light in Covid-19 vaccination center in vasai virar city municipal corporation Ward A.2021-05-14 00:00:002021-05-21 00:00:00Ward ADOWNLOAD
Quotation for installation of new inverters and batteries for uninterrupted power supply at Covid-19 Vaccination Center in Vasai Virar Municipal Corporation.2021-05-13 00:00:002021-05-21 00:00:00Electricity DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for supply of Ahujaa Company loudspeaker to Vasai Virar City Corporation.2021-05-11 00:00:002021-05-21 00:00:00Store DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for supply of cash counting machine to Vasai Virar City Corporation.2021-05-11 00:00:002021-05-21 00:00:00Store DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for electrical works in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation Ward ‘D’ Achole Area.2021-05-11 00:00:002021-06-01 00:00:00Ward DDOWNLOAD
Quotation for shifting 35 K. V.A capacity diesel generator at Urban Health Post Center at Naringi and also 30 K. V.A capacity diesel generator at Urban Health Post Center at Naringi to bolinj ward office in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2021-05-07 00:00:002021-05-18 00:00:00Ward ADOWNLOAD
Quotation to information of all the manufacturers, suppliers and organizations about Foam is to be procured as mentioned in the details for the fire department of Vasai virar city municipal corporation.2021-05-05 00:00:002021-05-17 00:00:00Fire DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for providing internet facility in Vasai Virar City municipal Corporation Ward ‘H’ Navghar Manikpur Office.2021-05-04 00:00:002021-05-10 00:00:00Ward HDOWNLOAD
Recall Quotation notice for recovery of market tax of Vadavali Market vasai (w).2021-04-26 00:00:002021-04-30 00:00:00Ward IDOWNLOAD
Recall Quotation notice for recovery of market tax of Tamtalav Market vasai (w).2021-04-26 00:00:002021-04-30 00:00:00Ward IDOWNLOAD
Recall Quotation notice for recovery of market tax of Umela Market vasai (w).2021-04-26 00:00:002021-04-30 00:00:00Ward IDOWNLOAD
All sellers, suppliers, organizations and individuals who sell plastic spray pumps are informed that Vasai Virar Municipal Corporation is working to control the viral disease Covid-19 by spraying Sodium Hypochloride 10%2021-04-20 00:00:002021-04-28 00:00:00Sanitation DeptDOWNLOAD
Second Re-Quotation notice for fishing in pelhar area Ward F in VVCMC on contract basis2021-04-09 00:00:002021-04-22 00:00:00Ward FDOWNLOAD
Quotation for laptop purchase for covid vaccination in medical health centerin vvcmc2021-04-09 00:00:002021-04-20 00:00:00IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Second Quotation notice for electrical works in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation Ward ‘G’ Waliv Area.2021-04-08 00:00:002021-04-30 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
First Quotation notice for electrical works in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation Ward ‘G’ Waliv Area.2021-04-08 00:00:002021-04-30 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for recovery of market tax of Vadavali Market vasai (w).2021-04-07 00:00:002021-04-15 00:00:00Ward IDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for recovery of market tax of Tamtalav Market vasai (w).2021-04-07 00:00:002021-04-15 00:00:00Ward IDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for recovery of market tax of Umela Market vasai (w).2021-04-07 00:00:002021-04-15 00:00:00Ward IDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for electrical works in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation Ward ‘E’ Nallasopara Area.2021-03-22 00:00:002021-04-13 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for cleaning of main balanced tank of 3 DL capacity supplying water to Virar city at Chandansar under Vasai Virar City Municipal Water Supply Scheme.2021-03-19 00:00:002021-03-25 00:00:00Water DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for cleaning of main balanced tank of 2 DL capacity supplying water to Virar city at Chandansar under Vasai Virar City Municipal Water Supply Scheme.2021-03-19 00:00:002021-03-25 00:00:00Water DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for extraction of sand with the help of suction pump from intakwell and jackwell at Undchan Kendra at Maswan Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation Water Supply Scheme Surya Phase 1, 100 DL Capacity Scheme.2021-03-19 00:00:002021-03-25 00:00:00Water DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for extraction of sand with the help of suction pump from intakwell and jackwell at Undchan Kendra at Maswan Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation Water Supply Scheme Surya Phase 3, 100 DL Capacity Scheme.2021-03-19 00:00:002021-03-25 00:00:00Water DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for servicing and over oiling of air blowers of 50 HP and 75 HP capacity in water treatment plant at Dhukatan of Vasai Virar City Municipal corporation Water Supply Scheme Surya Phase 1 and 3, 100 DL capacity scheme.2021-03-19 00:00:002021-03-25 00:00:00Water DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for installation of necessary equipment in 2 new cardiac ambulances of Corporation’s Force Motor Limited Company.2021-03-18 00:00:002021-03-30 00:00:00Fire DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for fishing of Lakes under Ward E Nalasopara in VVCMC on contract basis2021-03-17 00:00:002021-03-25 00:00:00Ward EDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for electrical works in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation Ward ‘F’ Dhaniv/Pelhar Area.2021-03-17 00:00:002021-04-08 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for electrical works in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation Ward ‘A’ Bolinj Area.2021-03-16 00:00:002021-04-05 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for construction work in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation Ward ‘C’ Chandansar Area.2021-03-16 00:00:002021-03-23 00:00:00Ward CDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for electrical works in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation Ward ‘A’ Bolinj Area.2021-03-15 00:00:002021-04-05 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Installation of inverter and battery in Vaitarna Bridge (Bahadoli) signal system in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation area.2021-03-03 00:00:002021-03-24 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Third Re-Quotation notice of Koshimbe Lake for fishing under Ward C Chandansar in VVCMC on contract basis2021-02-24 00:00:002021-03-04 00:00:00Ward CDOWNLOAD
Third Re-Quotation notice of sukala Lake for fishing under Ward C Chandansar in VVCMC on contract basis2021-02-24 00:00:002021-03-04 00:00:00Ward CDOWNLOAD
Quotation(Corrigendum) notice of Lake for fishing under Ward E Nalasopara in VVCMC on contract basis2021-02-23 00:00:002021-03-01 00:00:00Ward EDOWNLOAD
Re-Quotation notice of mentioned Lake in Quotation under Dhaniv-pelhar for fishing under Ward F in VVCMC on contract basis2021-02-17 00:00:002021-02-25 00:00:00Ward FDOWNLOAD
Re-Quotation notice of Koshimbe Lake for fishing under Ward C Chandansar in VVCMC on contract basis2021-02-12 00:00:002021-02-23 00:00:00Ward CDOWNLOAD
Re-Quotation notice of sukala Lake for fishing under Ward C Chandansar in VVCMC on contract basis2021-02-12 00:00:002021-02-23 00:00:00Ward CDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice of Lake for fishing under Ward E Nalasopara in VVCMC on contract basis2021-02-12 00:00:002021-02-23 00:00:00Ward EDOWNLOAD
Re-Quotation notice of Lake for fishing under Ward E Nalasopara in VVCMC on contract basis2021-02-12 00:00:002021-02-23 00:00:00Ward EDOWNLOAD
Public quotation notice for electrical works in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation Ward ‘C’ Chandansar Area2021-02-11 00:00:002021-03-04 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Re-Quotation for fishing in ward ‘G’ of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation for the year 2021 to 2024 on contract basis2020-02-05 00:00:002021-02-12 00:00:00Ward GDOWNLOAD
Quotation of Koshimbe talav for fish farming in Ward C VVCMC Area2021-02-02 00:00:002021-02-11 00:00:00Ward CDOWNLOAD
Quotation of Pelhar Sukla talav for fish farming in Ward C VVCMC Area2021-02-02 00:00:002021-02-11 00:00:00Ward CDOWNLOAD
Re-quotation for fish farming for various lakes in ward E in VVCMC Area2021-01-29 00:00:002021-02-08 00:00:00Ward EDOWNLOAD
Tender notice for PWD (electrical) department tenderes in ward A bolinj under vvcmc area.2021-01-28 00:00:002021-02-12 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Supply and installation of high-tech portable biogas plants2021-01-25 00:00:002021-02-02 00:00:00Garden DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Repair of Surge Vessel System in Water Treatment plant of surya udbhav (Phase 1) 100 D.L.LI2021-01-21 00:00:002021-01-28 00:00:00Water DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for fish farming for various lakes in ward E in VVCMC Area2021-01-18 00:00:002021-01-27 00:00:00Ward EDOWNLOAD
Quotation of Shirgoan Motha talav for fish farming in Ward C VVCMC Area2021-01-18 00:00:002021-01-27 00:00:00Ward CDOWNLOAD
Quotation of Shirgoan lahan talav for fish farming in Ward C VVCMC Area2021-01-18 00:00:002021-01-27 00:00:00Ward CDOWNLOAD
Quotation of Pelhar Sukla talav for fish farming in Ward C VVCMC Area2021-01-18 00:00:002021-01-27 00:00:00Ward CDOWNLOAD
Quotation of Koshimbe talav for fish farming in Ward C VVCMC Area2021-01-18 00:00:002021-01-27 00:00:00Ward CDOWNLOAD
Quotation of Chandansar kopari talav for fish farming in Ward C VVCMC Area2021-01-18 00:00:002021-01-27 00:00:00Ward CDOWNLOAD
Quotation of Kasrali talavpada gaav talav for fish farming in Ward C VVCMC Area2021-01-18 00:00:002021-01-27 00:00:00Ward CDOWNLOAD
Quotation of Kasrali gav talav for fish farming in Ward C VVCMC Area2021-01-18 00:00:002021-01-27 00:00:00Ward CDOWNLOAD
Quotation of dahisar Talothi talav for fish farming in Ward C VVCMC Area2021-01-18 00:00:002021-01-27 00:00:00Ward CDOWNLOAD
Quotation of dahisar motha talav for fish farming in Ward C VVCMC Area2021-01-18 00:00:002021-01-27 00:00:00Ward CDOWNLOAD
Quotation for vadvali Market fees (reservered for handicap) collection in ward I VVCMC Area2021-01-18 00:00:002021-01-21 00:00:00Ward IDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Naigoan daily/weekly Market fees collection in ward I VVCMC Area2021-01-18 00:00:002021-01-21 00:00:00Ward IDOWNLOAD
Quotation for tamtalav Market fees collection in ward I VVCMC Area2021-01-18 00:00:002021-01-21 00:00:00Ward IDOWNLOAD
Quotation for koliwada market fees collection in ward I VVCMC Area2021-01-18 00:00:002021-01-21 00:00:00Ward IDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Khaugalii market near Vasai ground fees collection fees collection in ward I VVCMC Area2021-01-18 00:00:002021-01-21 00:00:00Ward IDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Holi vegetable market fees collection fees collection in ward I VVCMC Area2021-01-18 00:00:002021-01-21 00:00:00Ward IDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Holi fish market fees collection fees collection in ward I VVCMC Area2021-01-18 00:00:002021-01-21 00:00:00Ward IDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Gaulvada bazar fees collection fees collection in ward I VVCMC Area2021-01-18 00:00:002021-01-21 00:00:00Ward IDOWNLOAD
Quotation for fishing in ward ‘F’ of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation for the year 2021 to 2023 on contract basis2021-01-19 00:00:002021-01-27 00:00:00Ward FDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing godrej locker in vasai virar city municipal corporation.2021-01-13 00:00:002021-01-21 00:00:00Store DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for “Re circulation of backwash water and sludge handling system inclusive of all civil works, providing and installation of all mechanical and electrical equipment including PLC-SCADA for automation monitoring and control followed by 10 years O&M”2021-01-08 00:00:002021-01-13 00:00:00Water DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for provision of continuous flow monitoring system at Inlet and outlet for monitoring of polluted water in sewage treatment plants, installation and complete maintenance repairs for 1 year free for 4 years.2021-01-08 00:00:002021-01-15 00:00:00Water DepartmentDOWNLOAD
2nd Requotation for fish farming of koshimbe and sukala lake in ward ‘C’ Chandansar area2021-01-05 00:00:002021-01-12 00:00:00Ward CDOWNLOAD
Quotation for supply Iron barricading Works under Vasai Virar City Corporation2020-12-31 00:00:002021-01-08 00:00:00Stores DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for supply Car/Four wheeler/truck jammers to Vasai Virar City Municipal corporation2020-12-31 00:00:002021-01-08 00:00:00Stores DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for fishing in ward ‘G’ of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation for the year 2021 to 2024 on contract basis2020-12-24 00:00:002021-01-02 00:00:00Ward GDOWNLOAD
Expression of interest for Replacement of gates at Dhukatan Water Treatment Plant under Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation Surya Water Supply Scheme Phase 1 and 22020-12-24 00:00:002020-12-28 00:00:00Water DpartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for fish farming on contractbasis for year 2020 to 2023 in ward I of vasai virar city municpal corporation.2020-12-22 00:00:002020-12-31 00:00:00Ward IDOWNLOAD
Quotation for fish farming on contractbasis for year 2020 to 2023 in ward E of vasai virar city municpal corporation.2020-12-22 00:00:002020-12-31 00:00:00Ward EDOWNLOAD
Quotation for fish farming on contractbasis for year 2020 to 2023 in ward E of vasai virar city municpal corporation.2020-12-22 00:00:002020-12-31 00:00:00Ward EDOWNLOAD
Quotation for fish farming on contract basis for year 2020 to 2023 in ward C of vasai virar city municpal corporation.2020-12-21 00:00:002020-12-29 00:00:00Ward CDOWNLOAD
Quotation for recovery in khavugalli near vasai ground in ward I vasai virar city municipal corporation2020-12-16 00:00:002020-12-24 00:00:00Ward IDOWNLOAD
Quotation for recovery in gaulwada market in ward I vasai virar city municipal corporation2020-12-16 00:00:002020-12-24 00:00:00Ward IDOWNLOAD
Quotation for recovery in koliwada market in ward I vasai virar city municipal corporation2020-12-16 00:00:002020-12-24 00:00:00Ward IDOWNLOAD
Quotation for recovery in naigaon daily and weakly market in ward I vasai virar city municipal corporation2020-12-16 00:00:002020-12-24 00:00:00Ward IDOWNLOAD
Quotation for recovery in holi bhaji market in ward I vasai virar city municipal corporation2020-12-16 00:00:002020-12-24 00:00:00Ward IDOWNLOAD
Quotation for recovery in holi masali market in ward I vasai virar city municipal corporation2020-12-16 00:00:002020-12-24 00:00:00Ward IDOWNLOAD
Quotation for recovery in tamtalav market in ward I vasai virar city municipal corporation2020-12-16 00:00:002020-12-24 00:00:00Ward IDOWNLOAD
Quotation for recovery in umela market in ward I vasai virar city municipal corporation (reserve for handicap)2020-12-16 00:00:002020-12-24 00:00:00Ward IDOWNLOAD
Quotation for recovery in wadavli market in ward I vasai virar city municipal corporation (reserve for handicap)2020-12-16 00:00:002020-12-24 00:00:00Ward IDOWNLOAD
Quotation for fish farming on contractbasis for year 2020 to 2023 in ward F of vasai virar city municpal corporation.2020-12-16 00:00:002020-12-24 00:00:00Ward FDOWNLOAD
Quotation for fish farming on contractbasis for year 2021 to 2024 in ward G of vasai virar city municpal corporation.2020-12-10 00:00:002020-12-17 00:00:00Ward GDOWNLOAD
Vasai-Virar Municipal Corporation Ward Committee (E) Nalasopara re quotation for fish farming Lakes in the working area for the year 2020 to the year 2023 on a contract basis.2020-11-19 00:00:002020-11-28 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing tonners of color printers and xerox machines in vasai virar city municipal corporation2020-11-06 00:00:002020-11-12 00:00:00IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for installing telephone intercom services in Shri.Jivdani Devi Hospital,chandansar in vasai virar city municipal corporation2020-11-06 00:00:002020-11-12 00:00:00IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for construction of body on 9 Bolero pickup vehicles for Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2020-11-06 00:00:002020-11-18 00:00:00Transport DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing computers, printers and other peripherals for smart city cell in Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2020-11-04 00:00:002020-11-12 00:00:00IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing the lake for three years from 2020 to 2023 on a contractual basis for fisheries of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at ward E2020-11-02 00:00:002020-11-10 00:00:00General Administration DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for installing cctv system at night shelter waliv in vasai virar city municipal corporation2020-10-29 00:00:002020-11-05 00:00:00IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing All in one computer for vasai virar city municipal corporation2020-10-29 00:00:002020-11-05 00:00:00IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing electrical equipment’s in 30 D.L.L. the capacity drainage center at bolinj of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2020-10-28 00:00:002020-11-06 00:00:00Water DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for telephone installation,care and repaire in Head office of vasai virar city municipal corporation.2020-10-27 00:00:002020-11-03 00:00:00IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for GPS based and laser based device for survey of properties in vasai virar city municipal corporation area2020-10-27 00:00:002020-11-03 00:00:00IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Repairing 1000 K.V.A. Capacity Transformer in the drainage center at bolinj of Vasai-Virar City Municipal2020-10-23 00:00:002020-11-03 00:00:00Water DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Repairing 50 L.P.H. Capacity Aqua care system plant Repairs using new materials & Maintenance using own materials for a period of 1 year at ward F2020-10-21 00:00:002020-10-28 00:00:00Ward FDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Repairing RICOH MFD MP2501SP Model Xerox Machine of Rico Company for Ward F of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2020-10-21 00:00:002020-10-28 00:00:00Ward FDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing digital camera to Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2020-10-13 00:00:002020-10-19 00:00:00IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Retail Stationery Materials to Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2020-10-12 00:00:002020-10-20 00:00:00Store DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Re-quotation Notice for appointing Agency for Determining Upset Value quotation submission duration from 09-10-2020 to 19-10-2020(Upset Price) for public auction of iron and other construction related debris/scrap2020-10-09 00:00:002020-10-19 00:00:00Encroachment and Illegal constructionDOWNLOAD
Quatation for Rewinding of Retro Fitting of Transformer of Water Treatment Plant of Vasai Virar City Corporation Surya Udbhav 200 d. L. Lee.Capacity.2020-09-28 00:00:002020-10-05 00:00:00Water Supply DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quatation for Repairing of Surge Vessel system in Dhuktan Water Treatment Plant of Vasai Virar City Corporation Surya Udbhav (Phase 3) 100 d. L. Lee.Capacity.2020-09-28 00:00:002020-10-05 00:00:00Water Supply DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quatation for Repairing of Chlorination System in Dhukatan Water Treatment Plant on Water Supply Scheme of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation.2020-09-28 00:00:002020-10-05 00:00:00Water Supply DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quatation for Repairing of Ultrasonic Flow Meter on Water Supply Scheme of Vasai Virar City Corporation.2020-09-28 00:00:002020-10-05 00:00:00Water Supply DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quatation for Fitting Cubical Metering Box at Pelhar Water Treatment Plant under Pelhar Water Supply Scheme of Vasai Virar City Corporation.2020-09-28 00:00:002020-10-05 00:00:00Water Supply DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quatation is for providing mechanical(labour work) for repairing dozers in the landfill at Mauje Gokhivare of Vasai Virar Municipal Corporation as fitting the purchased spare parts.2020-09-18 00:00:002020-09-29 00:00:00Transport DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation is being issued to purchase Racks for Electricity Department of Vasai Virar Municipal Corporation Ward (F) Dhaniv / Pelhar.2020-09-11 00:00:002020-09-18 00:00:00Ward FDOWNLOAD
Quotation is being issued to purchase Racks for Electricity Department of Vasai Virar Municipal Corporation Ward (F) Dhaniv / Pelhar.2020-09-11 00:00:002020-09-18 00:00:00Ward FDOWNLOAD
Quotation is being issued to purchase 1 inverter and 1 battery for Biometric Machine for Vasai Virar Municipal Corporation Ward Committee (F) Dhaniv / Pelhar.2020-09-09 00:00:002020-09-16 00:00:00Ward FDOWNLOAD
Quotation is being issued to purchase 2 new batteries for Dhaniv and Bilalpada office of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation Ward Committee F.2020-09-09 00:00:002020-09-16 00:00:00Ward FDOWNLOAD
Quotation is being issued to purchase 1 inverter and 2 batteries for Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation Ward Committee F Dhaniv / Pelhar Health Center.2020-09-09 00:00:002020-09-16 00:00:00Ward FDOWNLOAD
Regarding supply of materials and tools required for maintenance and repair of borewells in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation area.2020-09-09 00:00:002020-09-15 00:00:00Water Supply DepartmentDOWNLOAD
For auction / bidding of iron (grill and yard) and timber (windows, doors), debris (debris) as well as various materials (plastic iron, wood) submitted at Kondwada from time to time Determining Upset Value (Upset Price) for public auction.2020-09-05 00:00:002020-09-14 00:00:00Encroachment and Illegal constructionDOWNLOAD
Providing newspaper, magzines,weekly magzines, Diwali magzines to ward D public library in VVCMC2020-08-29 00:00:002020-09-09 00:00:00Ward DDOWNLOAD
Providing newspaper, magzines,weekly magzines, Diwali magzines to ward C public library in VVCMC2020-08-29 00:00:002020-09-09 00:00:00Ward CDOWNLOAD
Body construction work on 9 bolero pickup BS-VI PS, 1.7T vehicle purchased for office work for Vasai Virar Municipal Corporation.2020-08-25 00:00:002020-09-02 00:00:00Transport DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Providing newspaper, magzines,weekly magzines, Diwali magzines to ward I public library in VVCMC2020-08-18 00:00:002020-08-31 00:00:00Ward IDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Providing and installing cctv as per requirement in chandansar covid center2020-08-14 00:00:002020-08-20 00:00:00Medical DepartmentDOWNLOAD
E-Tender regarding of black and white printers for offical use of Ward E and B in Vasai Virar Municipal Corporation.(Suggestion / Objection)2020-08-08 00:00:0010/08/2020(till 11.00 AM)IT departmentDOWNLOAD
Regarding the e-tender called for the financial year 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23.(Suggestion / Objection)2020-08-08 00:00:0010/08/2020(till 11.00 AM)Establishment departmentDOWNLOAD
Providing newspaper, magzines,weekly magzines, Diwali magzines to Dr.K.B.Hedgewar public library in VVCMC2020-07-30 00:00:002020-08-10 00:00:00Ward HDOWNLOAD
Quotation for wireless telephones and routers for covid isolation centers2020-07-25 00:00:002020-08-03 00:00:00IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation regarding repair of dozer working in the landfill at Mauje Gokhivare2020-06-13 00:00:002020-06-19 00:00:00Sanitation DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for fish aquaculture (fish farming) of lake in Bhuigoan and Navale area in Nalasopara west on contract basis for year 2020-2023 under VVCMC area2020-06-10 00:00:002020-06-19 00:00:00Ward EDOWNLOAD
Quotation for fish aquaculture of lake in Gas area in Nalasopara west on contract basis for year 2020-2023 under VVCMC area.2020-06-10 00:00:002020-06-19 00:00:00Ward EDOWNLOAD
Quotation for repairing the Ultrasonic Flow Meter installed on the water supply scheme of Vasai Virar Municipal Corporation.2020-05-19 00:00:002020-05-26 00:00:00Water SupplyDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Sand extraction at maswan dam in VVCMC Area2020-05-09 00:00:002020-05-18 00:00:00Water SupplyDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing equipment of central oxygen pipeline system for Covid-19 Isolation Ward of VVCMC2020-04-23 00:00:002020-04-30 00:00:00Medical Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for sale of Raw material of godown near Ward office E of VVCMC2020-04-22 00:00:002020-04-30 00:00:00Ward EDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing trainee for women’s gym in Zalawad at VVCMC2020-03-20 00:00:002020-03-30 00:00:00Ward EDOWNLOAD
Quotation for sale of English, marathi waste newspapaer (Raddi) at VVCMC Libaray.2020-03-19 00:00:002020-03-27 00:00:00Ward CDOWNLOAD
Providing newspaper, magzines,weekly magzines, Diwali magzines to Dr.K.B.Hedgewar public library in VVCMC2020-03-14 00:00:002020-03-24 00:00:00Ward HDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Lake for fisheries of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at ward G2020-03-06 00:00:002020-03-16 00:00:00Ward GDOWNLOAD
Tender notice for Development works for Electric Department at ward C in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2020-02-26 00:00:002020-03-18 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender notice for Development works for Electric Department at ward A in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2020-02-18 00:00:002020-03-02 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Buying X-ray film for the medical health department of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2020-02-15 00:00:002020-02-27 00:00:00Medical Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Buying Original Leather Bags(Gents bag) of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation at head-office2020-02-15 00:00:002020-02-25 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Buying Original Leather Bags(Ladies bag) of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation at head-office2020-02-15 00:00:002020-02-25 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing material in the cabin of the Deputy Auditor and shooting range department of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation at ward H2020-02-13 00:00:002020-02-24 00:00:00Ward HDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Binding of old pages and covered books in Library of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation at ward I2020-02-11 00:00:002020-02-25 00:00:00Library DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing 8 MBPS Broadband Internet service for E-Library Software in Libraries of vasai virar city municipal corporation2020-01-16 00:00:002020-01-22 00:00:00IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing SD-WAN Service in Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2020-01-15 00:00:002020-01-20 00:00:00IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for awareness on the subject of “Jagruk Matdaar Lokshahicha Aadhar” by Youtube & Instagram2020-01-10 00:00:002020-01-18 00:00:00Election DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for the display of grand rangoli on the subject of “Jagruk Matdaar Lokshahicha Aadhar” in the Main area of Vasai-Virar Municipal Corporation2020-01-10 00:00:002020-01-18 00:00:00Election DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for awareness on the subject of “Jagruk Matdaar Lokshahicha Aadhar” in the entire area of Vasai-Virar Municipal Corporation2020-01-10 00:00:002020-01-18 00:00:00Election DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing jingle and short film on the subject of “Jagruk Matdaar Lokshahicha Aadhar” in the entire area of Vasai-Virar Municipal Corporation2020-01-10 00:00:002020-01-18 00:00:00Election DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for awareness of Lokshahi Pandharvada by Chitrarath of Vasai-Virar Municipal Corporation2020-01-10 00:00:002020-01-18 00:00:00Election DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Installation of Signal System at Bahadoli Bridge under Surya Water Supply Scheme of Vasai-Virar Municipal Corporation2020-01-08 00:00:002020-01-17 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender notice for the development works for Water Department at Head-office of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-12-27 00:00:002020-01-02 00:00:00Water DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing and installing stabilizer at Hindu Cemetery’s Mortuary at ward ‘A’ of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-12-26 00:00:002019-12-30 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for making short film for swachh bharat mission in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-12-24 00:00:002020-01-02 00:00:00IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Appointment of Chartered Accountant, Consultant at Head office in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-12-20 00:00:002019-12-30 00:00:00Account DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for taking gathering (Melave) for senior women over 60 years old by the Women and Child Welfare Committee of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-12-13 00:00:002019-12-20 00:00:00Women and Child Welfare CommitteeDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Material of barcode scanning Machine and printer for Libraries in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-12-04 00:00:00IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Sanitory Napkin Incinetator Machine for toilet in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation’s region2019-12-04 00:00:00Sanitation DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Sanitory Napkin Dispenser Machine for toilet in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation’s region2019-12-04 00:00:00Sanitation DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for ICT Based Feedback Machine for toilet in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation’s region2019-12-04 00:00:00Sanitation DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for selling daily used papers, outdated English, Marathi newspapers and other language papers for the public library of ward H of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-12-04 00:00:00Library DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing CCTV Camera on rent for Sports competition 2019 at Nalasopara organized by Vasai Virar Municipal Corporation2019-12-04 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for fitting Hitech Portable Biogas Plant in Gardens of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-12-03 00:00:00Garden DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing inverter at ward A of Vasai Virar City Municipal corporation2019-11-29 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation to fit air purifier at Vasai Virar Municipal Corporation’s Hospitals, MCH Centers, Civil Primary Health Centers and various places2019-11-27 00:00:00Head officeDOWNLOAD
Quotation for selling daily used English, Marathi and other language newspapers and Diwali ank for the libraryat Ward I of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-11-20 00:00:00Library DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for works regarding Sports competition 2019 at Nalasopara organized by Vasai Virar Municipal Corporation2019-11-16 00:00:00General administration DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for works regarding Sports competition 2019 at Nalasopara organized by Vasai Virar Municipal Corporation2019-11-16 00:00:00General administration DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Providing Material and other accessories for Sports Competition 20192019-11-16 00:00:00Head officeDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Providing Printing stationery and other accessories for Sports Competition 20192019-11-16 00:00:00Head officeDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Production of Audio Jingle and Audio Theme Song for Sports Competition 2019 at Head office2019-11-16 00:00:00Head officeDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Supply of Trophies, honors and T-shirt materials for Sports Competition 2019 at ward H2019-11-16 00:00:00Ward HDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Supply of medals and sports materials for Sports Competition 2019 at ward H2019-11-16 00:00:00Ward HDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Supply of retail stationery for Sports Competition 2019 at ward H2019-11-16 00:00:00Ward HDOWNLOAD
Quotation for supply and installation of stabilizer for Hospital at ward B of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-11-15 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for to install a water-air cooler with a capacity of 70 to 80 liters of water of 80Q meter in the Office of the Medical Health Department of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-09-20 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Purchase of color printer cartridges in Birth-death department and swachh bharat cell of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-09-13 00:00:00IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for making Advertisement Audio and Video for child and welfare department of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-09-09 00:00:00Women and Child WelfareDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for making documentory for child and welfare department of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-09-09 00:00:00Women and Child WelfareDOWNLOAD
Quotation notice for making documentory for child and welfare department of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation and publicity on social sites2019-09-09 00:00:00Women and Child WelfareDOWNLOAD
Tender notice for the development works for Electric Department at ward E of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-09-09 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for supply of Disinfectant powder at ward D of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-09-06 00:00:00Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Preparing Online Web Portal for Data Entry and other works for the contestants who participate in the School sports at ward G, H and I of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-08-27 00:00:00Ward Committee HDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for Development Works for Electric Department of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at Ward D2019-08-27 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Preparing Online Web Portal for Data Entry and other works for the contestants who participate in the School sports at ward A, B, and C of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-08-26 00:00:00mayor’s officeDOWNLOAD
Quotation for coloring and repairing old fiber tarafe, Nirmalya kalash for Ganapati Visarajan at Ward C of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-08-23 00:00:00Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing CCTV Camera on rent for Ganapati Visarajan at ward C of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-08-23 00:00:00Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for supply of Disinfectant powder for Ganapati Visarajan at ward B of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-08-23 00:00:00Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for coloring and repairing old fiber tarafe, Nirmalya kalash for Ganapati Visarajan at Ward A of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-08-22 00:00:00Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Buying new Nirmalya kalash for Ganapati Visarajan at Ward A of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-08-22 00:00:00Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for coloring and repairing old Nirmalya kalash for Ganapati Visarajan at Ward A of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-08-22 00:00:00Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Foreclip vehicle on rent for Ganapati Visarajan at ward A of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-08-22 00:00:00Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Buying Nylon rope for Ganapati Visarajan at ward A of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-08-22 00:00:00Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing CCTV Camera on rent for Ganapati Visarajan at ward A of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-08-22 00:00:00Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing CCTV Camera on rent for Ganapati Visarajan at ward G of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-08-21 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing 43-inch Television in the office of the Assistant Commissioner at ward G in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-08-21 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Recall Quotation for providing CCTV Camera on rent for Ganapati Visarajan at ward E, Nalasopara of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-08-20 00:00:00Ward committee EDOWNLOAD
Quotation for coloring, repairing and providing fiber tarafe for ganpati visarjan at ward F of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-08-19 00:00:00Ward committee FDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing CCTV Cameras on rent for Ganapati Visarajan at ward F of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-08-19 00:00:00Ward committee FDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing new Nirmalya kalash and Rope for Ganapati Visarajan at Ward F of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-08-19 00:00:00Ward committee FDOWNLOAD
Quotation for coloring and providing fiber tarafe and repairing 3 Nirmalya kalash for Ganapati Visarajan at Ward F of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-08-19 00:00:00Ward committee FDOWNLOAD
Recall Quotation for to fit CCTV Camera for Ganapati Visarajan at ward B, Nalasopara east of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-08-19 00:00:00Ward committee BDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Biological fly inhibitors for the Waste Management Department of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-08-14 00:00:00Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Starry A.A.F.M.Multi for health department of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-08-06 00:00:00Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Bactodesk for health department of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-08-06 00:00:00Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for to fit CCTV Camera for Ganapati Visarajan at ward E of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-08-06 00:00:00Ward committee EDOWNLOAD
Quotation for to fit CCTV Camera for Ganapati Visarajan at ward B of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-08-06 00:00:00Ward committee BDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Ganesh and Bhabal lake on contractual basis for fisheries Year of 2019-20 to 2020-21 of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at ward E2019-07-31 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Supply of pesticides to the health department of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at ward C2019-07-31 00:00:00Health departmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for Development Works for Electric department of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-07-30 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender notice for various works for Electric Department at ward B of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-07-26 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender notice for Development works for Electric Department at ward B of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-07-26 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing spare parts for pc repairing of vasai virar city municipal corporation2019-07-23 00:00:00IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchase of Dentistry Material for medical health department of vasai virar city municipal corporation2019-07-23 00:00:00Medical Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing 43-inch Television in the office of the Assistant Commissioner at ward G in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-07-18 00:00:00Ward committee GDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchase of equipment for medical health department of vasai virar city municipal corporation2019-07-16 00:00:00Medical Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchase of materials for medical health department of vasai virar city municipal corporation2019-07-16 00:00:00Medical Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing sports accessories for sport department of vasai virar city municipal corporation2019-07-15 00:00:00Sport DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for supply of newspapers, magazines, Weekend and Weekly newspapers, Diwali ank for Library of Ward I for the financial year of 2019-202019-07-10 00:00:00Library DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender notice for Development works for Electric Department at ward C in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-07-09 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for supply of Daily newspapers, magazines, Competition examination and magazines for Public Library of Ward C for the financial year of 2019-202019-06-27 00:00:00Ward CDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Buying Toner for Xerox machine at various offices of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-06-25 00:00:00IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing spare part for repairing Printer in Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-06-25 00:00:00IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Electric work in samaj mandir near urdu school ward no.12 in Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-06-24 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing UPS and other accessories for Medical health Department in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-06-21 00:00:00Medical Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quatation for providing H P laser jet 1007/1020 toner for Medical health Department in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-06-21 00:00:00Medical Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quatation for providing stationary for Medical health Department in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-06-21 00:00:00Medical Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Telephone system accessories to Ward A in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-06-21 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Purchase of Disinfectant Powder for Health Department at ward A in Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-06-18 00:00:00Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender notice for Development works for Electric Department at ward A in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-06-18 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchase of materials for the repairing of Makita Patrol saw Cutter Machine in Fire Department of vasai virar city municipal corporation2019-06-17 00:00:00Fire DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing 32-inch Television in the office of the Assistant Commissioner at ward H in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-06-14 00:00:00Ward committee HDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing 43-inch Television in the office of the Sabhapati at ward H in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-06-14 00:00:00Ward committee HDOWNLOAD
Quotation for to fit CCTV in the building of Emergency Center Diwanman at ward H in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-06-14 00:00:00Ward committee HDOWNLOAD
Quotation for to fit CCTV in the building of Taran Talav at ward H in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-06-14 00:00:00Ward committee HDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Removal of the sand by suction pump in the Intakewell and Jackwell of surya udabhav plant at Masavan of vasai virar city municipal corporation2019-06-14 00:00:00Water DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Buying X-Ray Film for medical health department in Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-06-12 00:00:00Medical Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for repairing and renewal of air-conditioner system in Special Planning Authority Department in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-06-12 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for To set up 1.5 ton air-conditioner system at second floor in Executive engineer cabin at Head office in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-06-12 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for To set up 1 ton air-conditioner system and fan at Third floor in server room at Head office in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-06-12 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for supply of Daily newspapers, magazines, Competition examination magazines and Diwali ank for Public Library of Ward D for the financial year of 2019-202019-06-07 00:00:00Library DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for making Film to describe services provided by medical health Department of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-06-06 00:00:00Medical Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing stationary for medical department2019-06-04 00:00:00medical departmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing tree cutting machine chain in ward H.2019-05-31 00:00:00Ward HDOWNLOAD
corrigendum for providing training in the ongoing women’s gym in Zalawad of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at ward E2019-03-02 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
corrigendum for providing lake on contractual basis for fisheries of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at ward E2019-03-02 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
corrigendum for providing lake on contractual basis for fisheries of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at ward E2019-03-02 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
corrigendum for providing lake on contractual basis for fisheries of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at ward E2019-03-02 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for Development Works for Electric Department of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at Ward B2019-02-27 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for buying Syringes for medical health Department of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-02-26 00:00:00Medical Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for buying Cotton Wool and Gauze for medical health Department of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-02-26 00:00:00Medical Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for repairing Water Filter in the library of Vasai-Virar city municipal at ward H2019-02-26 00:00:00Library DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for Development Works for Electric Department of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at Ward G2019-02-25 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing training in the ongoing women’s gym in Zalawad of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at ward E2019-02-25 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing lake on contractual basis for fisheries of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at ward E2019-02-25 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing lake on contractual basis for fisheries of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at ward E2019-02-25 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing lake on contractual basis for fisheries of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at ward E2019-02-25 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for fitting Induction at mother and child hospital, sativali of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-02-22 00:00:00Medical Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing retail stationery material for Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-02-22 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing retail stationery material for Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-02-22 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for Development Works for Electric Department of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at Ward A2019-02-22 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for giving Guidelines related self-defense in emergency situations for schools, aided schools, and private schools of Vasai-Virar city corporation2019-02-22 00:00:00Women and Child Welfare DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing First aid box for Students of the orphanage ashram by Women and child welfare committee of Vasai-Virar city corporation2019-02-22 00:00:00Women and Child Welfare DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for Development Works for Electric Department of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at Ward E2019-02-15 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for installing induction at maternity center at Juchandra and Sativali of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-02-12 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing materials for general body meeting regarding budget approval of Vasai-Virar city corporation2019-02-08 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing materials for general body meeting regarding budget approval of Vasai-Virar city corporation2019-02-08 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for buying stationary for daily office work of Medical Health Department of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-02-05 00:00:00Medical Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for buying xerox machine for daily office work of Medical Health Department of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-02-05 00:00:00Medical Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for buying literature for daily office work of Medical Health Department of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2019-02-05 00:00:00Medical Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for buying fire rescue equipment for fire department of Vasai-Virar city corporation2019-01-28 00:00:00Fire DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for security audit of software of property and water tax2019-01-19 00:00:00IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for constraint marking on (DP) of VVCMC2019-01-19 00:00:00IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for updation of GIS Map of VVCMC2019-01-19 00:00:00IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Notice for Electrical works (divabatti) in ward E ward no.84 in VVCMC area2019-01-19 00:00:00Electrical DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for supply of newspapers,magazines,weekly newspapers and diwali ank for Public Library of Ward H for the financial year of 2019-202019-01-18 00:00:00Public Library DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Arranging exhibition of Magnificent rangoli in the main place of Vasai-Virar city municipal corporation2019-01-18 00:00:00Election DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for performing Street play in Marathi and Hindi languages for the election department of Vasai-Virar city corporation2019-01-18 00:00:00Election DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for making short films in Marathi and Hindi languages for the election department of Vasai-Virar city corporation2019-01-18 00:00:00Election DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for making Jingle in Marathi and Hindi Language for the election department of Vasai-Virar city corporation2019-01-18 00:00:00Election DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for conducting activities for specially-abled students and orphanage students through Vasai-Virar city Municipal Corporation women and child welfare committee2019-01-15 00:00:00Women and Child WelfareDOWNLOAD
Quotation for arranging various programs for women through Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation Women and Child Welfare Committee2019-01-15 00:00:00Women and Child WelfareDOWNLOAD
Recall Quotation for giving first aid boxes to students of the orphanage by Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation Women and Child Welfare Committee2019-01-15 00:00:00Women and Child WelfareDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchase of materials for the Republic Day celebration of Vasai-Virar city corporation on January 26, 20192019-01-14 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for Development Works for PWD Department of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at Ward I2019-01-10 00:00:00PWD DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for Development Works for PWD Department of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at Ward I2019-01-10 00:00:00PWD DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for Development Works for Electric Department of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at Ward F2019-01-08 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for repairing of Ultrasonic Flow Meter installed on Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation’s water supply scheme2019-01-08 00:00:00Water DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for Development Works for Electric Department of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at Ward D2019-01-08 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for Development Works for Electric Department of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at Ward C2019-01-05 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing a speaker on a vehicle for awareness regarding Swachh Bharat Mission.2019-01-01 00:00:00IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for disposal(विक्री)of English,Hindi, Marathi Waste-newspaper(रद्दी) in a library of Virar in VVCMC area.2018-12-28 00:00:00Library DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Notice for waterworks (Neutralisation) by Water department,Head office in VVCMC2018-12-27 00:00:00Water DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Notice for electrical works in ward A by Electrical department in vvcmc.2018-12-13 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Conduct seminar on subject self defense to students in colleges in VVCMC area2018-12-12 00:00:00Woman and child welfareDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Conduct seminar on subject sex education to students in colleges in VVCMC area2018-12-12 00:00:00Woman and child welfareDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Conduct seminar on subject vyasan mukti to students in colleges in VVCMC area2018-12-12 00:00:00Woman and child welfareDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing first aid kit to childres in anath aasharam in vvcmc area2018-12-12 00:00:00Woman and child welfareDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing ELISA reader, ELISA Washer in Medical health department in VVCMC2018-12-12 00:00:00Health medical departmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing guidance for students from Z.P. Schools, Orphans, Asylum schools, unaided schools by Women and child welfare committee regarding a Menstrual period2018-12-11 00:00:00Women and child welfare DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for Development Works for Electric Department of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at Ward F2018-12-05 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for arranging 1 ton three-star split air-conditioner system, fan and tube light in cabin of Assistant Commissioner and Woman Child Welfare Department at Ward C2018-12-01 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing retail stationery material for the Mayor Marathon 2018 of the Corporation2018-11-27 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for supply of Medals and sports material for Kala krida Sport for municipal School of Navghar-Manikpur2018-11-20 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Trophy,Honor icon and T-shirt for Kala krida Sports for municipal School of Navghar-Manikpur2018-11-20 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for supply of stationery for Kala krida Sport for municipal School of Navghar-Manikpur2018-11-20 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing trophy, medal, and T-shirt for Kala krida festival for municipal School of Virar2018-11-17 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Karate Mat for Kala krida festival for municipal School of Virar2018-11-16 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for supply of stationery for Kala krida festival for municipal School of Virar2018-11-16 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for supply of stationery for Kala krida festival for municipal School of Nalasopara2018-11-16 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for supply of stationery for Kala krida festival for municipal School of Nalasopara2018-11-16 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing trophy, medal, and T-shirt for Kala krida festival for municipal School of Nalasopara2018-11-16 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for Development Works for PWD Department of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at Ward A2018-11-12 00:00:00PWD DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Financial Evaluation of Tender Number: 2018_VVCMC_332503_12018-11-03 00:00:00IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for Development Works for Electric Department of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at Ward B2018-11-02 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for Development Works for Electric Department of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at Ward D2018-11-02 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for Development Works for Electric Department of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at Ward E2018-11-02 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Diwali ank for the financial year 2018-19 for public library at Ward C2018-11-01 00:00:00Library DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for Development Works for PWD Department of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at Ward ‘E’2018-10-30 00:00:00PWD DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for buying xerox machine for sachiv vibhag, women and child welfare dept and swachh bharat cell in new Multipurpose building of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-10-29 00:00:00IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for buying 4 projector and 2 screen procurement for the meetings under the ward committee of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-10-29 00:00:00IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing stationery for the General Administration Department of the Corporation2018-10-29 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing guidance for female students from Z.P. Schools, Orphans, Asylum schools, unaided schools by Women and child welfare committee regarding Menstrual period2018-10-29 00:00:00Women and Child Welfare DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing guidance for female students from Z.P. Schools, Orphans, Asylum schools, unaided schools by Women and child welfare committee regarding good touch bad touch2018-10-29 00:00:00Women and Child Welfare DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Diwali ank for Library Department the year of 2018-19 at ward I2018-10-26 00:00:00Library DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender notice for development works in electric department of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at ward A2018-10-25 00:00:00Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for Development Works for PWD Department of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at Ward ‘B’2018-10-23 00:00:00PWD DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Mobile/Tab(including postpaid SIM card) for citizens’ complaints under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan2018-10-19 00:00:00IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchase of R.O Machine in divisional office of ward I in Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-10-17 00:00:00Water DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for completing work of Data entry for school competition at ward G,H and I of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-10-15 00:00:00Sport DeptDOWNLOAD
Tender notice for works of electric department in Ward A of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-10-09 00:00:00Electric DeptDOWNLOAD
Tender notice for works of electric department in Ward C of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-10-09 00:00:00Electric DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for supply of newspapers,magazines,weekly newspapers and diwali ank for Public Library of Ward D for the financial year 2018-192018-10-06 00:00:00Library DeptDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for Development works at Ward ‘B’ of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-10-06 00:00:00Electric DeptDOWNLOAD
Tender notice for implementing the sound transmission system and maintenance for one year in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation at ward C(chandansar)2018-10-05 00:00:00Electric DeptDOWNLOAD
Tender notice for new Electric Work of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation at ward C2018-10-03 00:00:00Electric DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Computer and printer Parts for various departments of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-09-29 00:00:00IT DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for making Digital Signature Certificate for NIC e-tendering system and implementation of the e-office system2018-09-29 00:00:00IT DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Buying materials for the program of the library department of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-09-28 00:00:00General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for making Short film in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-09-27 00:00:00IT DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Dubbing Video in Hindi provided by Dindayal Antyodaya Yojna of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-09-12 00:00:00 NULM DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Setting up facility for processing/treating/disposal of municipal solid waste with state of art waste to energy & Bio mining plant on Design-build-operate-Transfer(DBOT) Basis at Gokhivare2018-09-11 00:00:00 SWM DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchase of color printer for birth and death,Marriage Registration Departments in 9 ward committee offices in Vasai-Virar city municipal corporation2018-09-07 00:00:00 IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for removal of sand using suction pump in Intakwell and Jackwell in the center at Masavan of vasai virar city municipal corporation2018-09-06 00:00:00 Water DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for works for Electric Department of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation at Ward A2018-09-03 00:00:00 Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for Development Works of Vasai-Virar Municipal Corporation Ward Committee ‘C’2018-09-01 00:00:00 PWD DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Providing material for sports department of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-08-31 00:00:00 Sports DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Launch of Internet facility in multipurpose building of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation’s Ward Committee (C)2018-08-31 00:00:00 IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
List of Qualified and Disqualified Bidders for Tender Number: 2018_VVCMC_336797_1 on (Valid for 1 Day)  Water DepartmentDOWNLOAD
List of Qualified and Disqualified Bidders for Tender Number: 2018_VVCMC_338089_1 on (Valid for 1 Day)  Water DepartmentDOWNLOAD
List of Qualified and Disqualified Bidders for Tender Number: 2018_VVCMC_338265_1 on (Valid for 1 Day)  Water DepartmentDOWNLOAD
List of Qualified and Disqualified Bidders for Tender Number: 2018_VVCMC_341160_1 on 00:00:00  Water DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for to fit CCTV for Ganapati Visarajan at ward c of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-08-29 00:00:00  Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing new fiber Tarafe, tire tube and nylon Thread for Ganapati Visarjan at Ward C2018-08-29 00:00:00  Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Buying new Nirmalya kalash for Ganapati Visarajan at Ward C2018-08-29 00:00:00  Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing coloring and repair of old Fiber,Wood and Nirmalya kalash for Ganapati Visarajan at Ward C2018-08-29 00:00:00  Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
List of Qualified and Disqualified Bidders for Tender Number: GEM/2018/B/59753, GEM/2018/B/58733, GEM/2018/B/68335 on 00:00:00  IT DeptDOWNLOAD
List of Qualified and Disqualified Bidders for Tender Number: 2018_VVCMC_334725_1 on 00:00:00  IT DeptDOWNLOAD
List of Qualified and Disqualified Bidders for Tender Number: 2018_VVCMC_332503_1 on 00:00:00  IT DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Vehicle (Fore clip) at ward A of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-08-28 00:00:00  Sanitation DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for to fit CCTV for Visarajan at ward A of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-08-28 00:00:00  Sanitation DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Tarafe Furnishing and repairs and new Tarafe and Nylon Thread at ward A of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-08-28 00:00:00  Sanitation DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for new Electric work in the office of Deputy Commissioner of First-floor at Head-office of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-08-24 00:00:00  Electric DeptDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for Development works at Ward ‘D’ of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-08-23 00:00:00  PWD DeptDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing CCTV Cameras for Ganpati Visarjan in Dhaniv/Pelhar at ward F2018-08-20 00:00:00  General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing fiber Tarafe Furnishing and repairs for Ganpati Visarjan in Dhaniv/Pelhar at ward F2018-08-20 00:00:00  General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Xerox Machine in Dhaniv/Pelhar at ward F2018-08-20 00:00:00  General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Tarafe for ganapati Visarjan in ward F at Bawshetpada lake and Gawaripada lake2018-08-20 00:00:00  General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Kalash,cord and other necessary material for ganapati Visarjan in ward F at Gawaripada lake2018-08-20 00:00:00  General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Buying card printing for the medical health department of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-08-20 00:00:00  Medical Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing TV for AMC Cabin at ward G of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-08-14 00:00:00  Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Dryer Cleaner Equipments in maternity center at ward G of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-08-14 00:00:00  Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Repairing Generator at ward G of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-08-14 00:00:00  Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Buying Inj.Oxytocin for Health Department of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-08-14 00:00:00   Medical Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Buying Ex-ray Film for Health Department of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-08-14 00:00:00   Medical Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Buying LED Bulb for light arrangement in various parks and Lakes at Ward E of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-08-13 00:00:00  Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Electric work in Civic Facilitation Center at Ward E of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-08-13 00:00:00  Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for selling Unused papers, outdated English, Marathi newspapers and Diwali ank used for the public library of ward I of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-08-04 00:00:00  Library DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender notice for Repairing vehicles parts at Ward B of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-08-03 00:00:00   Transport DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender notice for Repairing vehicles parts at Ward E of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-08-03 00:00:00   Transport DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Stationary,sports material and Other Affiliate Points for Organizing District Sports Competitions in vasai virar city municipal corporation2018-08-02 00:00:00   Mayor’s OfficeDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing materials for 15th August program in vasai virar city2018-08-01 00:00:00   General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing High Speed Internet Leasedline facility at head office of vasai virar city municipal corporation2018-07-31 00:00:00   IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation Notice for Recycling/Reuse of wastewater,Tertiary Treatment plant (TTP) of 5 MLD net output capacity at Bolinj2018-07-30 00:00:00   Water DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing parts of Electric Generator for Tulinj Hospital at Prabhag Samiti ‘B’ in Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-07-30 00:00:00   Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing tube light and Fan for Tulinj Hospital Prabhag Samiti ‘B’ in Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-07-30 00:00:00   Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing air conditioner system for construction department office Prabhag Samiti ‘B’ in Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-07-30 00:00:00   Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender notice for supply of newsletters, newspapers, magazines and weekly newspapers for Public Library in Ward Committee ‘C’ for the financial year 2018-192018-07-30 00:00:00   General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for selling Unused papers, outdated English, Marathi newspapers, magazines, and Diwali ank used for the public library of Virar division of Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-07-30 00:00:00   General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Minutes of Prebid Meeting for Tender No. VVCMC/ITDEPT/1.3/2018-19 [2018_VVCMC_332503_1]2018-07-27 00:00:00   IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Developing Mobile App for Work Management for Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation2018-07-27 00:00:00   IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation,Buying Wireless Telephone in Medical Health Department2018-07-27 00:00:00   Medical Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing 20 Toners of RICOH Printer and repairing + refilling 45 existing Toners2018-07-26 00:00:00   IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
E-Tender Notification for providing skilled manpower through external control at the head office of Vasai-Virar city corporation and ward committee A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H and I2018-07-25 00:00:00   Establishment DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing stationary for Sub-national pulse polio Vaccination at ward C2018-07-24 00:00:00   Medical Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing High Speed Internet Facility in Vasai-Virar City Municipal, Medical Health Center2018-07-23 00:00:00   Medical Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Supply of retail stationery in Municipal Corporation for Health Department at ward C2018-07-23 00:00:00   Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing 32-inch LED TV in the office of the Chief Commissioner-2 at the Head office,second floor2018-07-21 00:00:00   Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing printing of the District Sports Book for the Department of Sports at Headoffice2018-07-19 00:00:00   General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Supply of telecommunications equipment to the Head Office of the Corporation2018-07-19 00:00:00   General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing decorator and catering services in Municipal Corporation Ward No.972018-07-13 00:00:00   Election DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Supply of printing stationery in Municipal Corporation Ward No.972018-07-13 00:00:00   Election DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Supply of retail stationery and other materials in Municipal Corporation Ward No.972018-07-13 00:00:00   Election DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Videography,photography,CCTV Camera on rent basis in Municipal Corporation Ward No.972018-07-13 00:00:00   Election DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender notice for work in Vasai-Virar city municipal ward committee ‘C’ Electric Department2018-07-13 00:00:00   Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for development works at Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation Ward Committee ‘A’ in Bolinj sector2018-07-12 00:00:00   PWD DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Buying Material for Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation’s Medical Health Department2018-07-03 00:00:00   Medical Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
E-Tender No.7682 List of eligible and ineligible participants in Envelope No.1-Garden Department2018-05-29 00:00:00   Garden DepartmentDOWNLOAD
E-Tender No.7681 List of eligible and ineligible participants in Envelope No.1-Garden Department2018-05-29 00:00:00   Garden DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for making Android/IOS App on mobile at Headoffice2018-04-26 00:00:00   HeadofficeDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Coffe/Tea machines at Headoffice2018-04-26 00:00:00   HeadofficeDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for Electric works in Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation at ward C2018-04-19 00:00:00   Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for declaration of development works in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation area at ward E2018-04-17 00:00:00   Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for declaration of development works in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation area at ward E2018-04-17 00:00:00   Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for declaration of development works in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation area at ward B2018-04-16 00:00:00   Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for purchasing 1 inverter and 2 battery for Vasai-Virar city municipal corporation ward committee F2018-04-11 00:00:00   Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tenders Notice for a declaration of development works in Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation at ward D2018-04-07 00:00:00   Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for general administration department of the municipal corporation,providing stationary at ward C2018-03-31 00:00:00   General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for general administration department of the municipal corporation,providing stationary at ward C2018-03-31 00:00:00   General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for Development Works at ward B2018-03-22 00:00:00   PWD DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Number:7230-List of Qualified and Disqualified Bidders2018-03-21 00:00:00   IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation,Divisional Committee-A under various markets and retail market fee2018-03-14 00:00:00   Market DepartmentDOWNLOAD
recovery bills declaration E-tendering Notice
Quotation for To set up 1.5 tonne air-conditioner system at Headoffice2018-03-14 00:00:00   Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing 32-inch LED TV at Headoffice2018-03-14 00:00:00   Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for To set up 1 tonne five star split air-conditioner system in Anti-chamber room at Headoffice2018-03-14 00:00:00   Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for To set up 1.5 tonne five star split air-conditioner system at Headoffice2018-03-14 00:00:00   Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for Electric Work at ward F2018-03-12 00:00:00   Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for Supply of Objects at ward I2018-03-07 00:00:00   Library DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Repairing Printer’s Spare Parts at VVCMC2018-03-03 00:00:00   IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Stationery printing for general Administration Department at ward C2018-03-01 00:00:00   General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Buying Literature(Leather bag) at ward C2018-03-01 00:00:00   General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Buying Literature(Leather bag) at ward C2018-03-01 00:00:00   General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for Development works in PWD Department at ward B2018-02-20 00:00:00   PWD DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Printing for Swachh Survekshan 2018 at Ward B2018-02-17 00:00:00   General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Printing for Swachh Survekshan 2018 at Ward E2018-02-16 00:00:00   General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Newspapers,Magazines and Diwali Ank At Ward H2018-02-16 00:00:00   Library DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for Construction work at ward E2018-02-16 00:00:00   PWD DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Stationary for Encroachment dept at Head office2018-02-15 00:00:00   Encroachment DepartmentDOWNLOAD
List of qualified & Disqualified bidder for Bid no: GEM/2018/B/40226 on GEM portal2018-02-14 00:00:00   IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for establishment of afresh Semi High master Poll at ward E2018-02-14 00:00:00   Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
List of qualified & Disqualified bidder for Bid no: GEM/2018/B/40161 on GEM portal2018-02-09 00:00:00   IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
List of qualified & Disqualified bidder for Bid no: GEM/2018/B/40145 on GEM portal2018-02-09 00:00:00   IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Spare parts to repair Makita Patrol Saw Cutter Machine at ward C2018-02-05 00:00:00   Fire DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender Notice for Electric work at ward A2018-02-03 00:00:00   Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Buying I-pod at Head office2018-01-24 00:00:00   IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Regarding Online Bidding of Printers on GEM Portal2018-01-12 00:00:00   IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Regarding Online Bidding of Desktop Computers on GEM Portal2018-01-12 00:00:00   IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender notice for Construction work at ward C2018-01-10 00:00:00   PWD DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Trophy and Medal for Tournaments at ward E2017-12-27 00:00:00   General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Tender notice for electric work at ward B2017-12-16 00:00:00   Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Telephone machine and stationary for health department2017-12-16 00:00:00   Health DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing T-SHIRT for sports and marathon 20172017-12-04 00:00:00   General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for stationary, hardware and other for marathon 20172017-11-29 00:00:00   General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for Buying All in one Multi function color printer and Binding machine at Head office2017-11-21 00:00:00   IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Food(Breakfast and Dinner) for Urban homeless individuals at ward C2017-11-20 00:00:00   NULM DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing stationary for sports at Mayor’s Office2017-11-16 00:00:00   General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing stationary for sports at Mayor’s Office2017-11-16 00:00:00   General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
वसई विरार शहर महानगरपालिका प्रभाग समिती बोळींज कार्यक्षेत्रातील प्र .क्र १४ मधील जुना विवा कॉलेज समोरील मलांज रोड वरील चौकातील ४ पोल स्टचर्र विदुयत पोल काढणे व मिनी पिलर फिडर स्थलांतर करणे कामी चे दरपत्रक2017-11-15 00:00:00   Electric DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing security guards, bouncers for mayor’s marathon2017-11-14 00:00:00   General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quatation for providing CCTV at office Ward D near Achole Talav2017-11-08 00:00:00   General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quatation for providing garden equipment for garden department near achole talav2017-11-08 00:00:00   General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for buying machine at ward E2017-11-07 00:00:00   General Administration DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing ‘fire ex fire Estigyushar Ball’ at ward c2017-11-07 00:00:00   Fire DepartmentDOWNLOAD
Quotation for providing Jio Dongal and Adapter for Health and Fire Department2017-11-06 00:00:00   IT DepartmentDOWNLOAD